释义 |
枯枯 | 123B15 10B.40-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄎㄨ [ku1] | V.i. | Dry up, dried up: 樹木枯了 tree has dried up; see Adj.↓; 榮枯 prosperity and decline.
| Adj. | (1) Dry, withered: 枯木逢春,枯樹生花 a dried up tree comes to life again; 枯骨 dry bones; 枯槁,枯萎,枯謝 [ku1gao3], [ku1wei3], [ku1xie4]↓; dried up (of thoughts, springs): 枯井 dried up well; 搜索枯腸 rack one's brains for some ideas to write on; thin:枯瘦,枯寂 [ku1shou4], [ku1ji2]1↓. (2) Poor, impoverished, desolate: 枯窘 hard up; 枯坐 sit idly without anything to do.
| Words | 1. 枯凋 [ku1diao1], adj., see [ku1xie4]↓. 2. 枯礬 [ku1fan2], n., dry, flaky alum. 3. 枯槁 [ku1gao3], adj., dried up (of trees, facial appearance), lifeless (composition). 4. 枯乾 [ku1gan1], adj., dry (branches, fruit). 5. 枯涸 [ku1he2], adj., dried up (pools). 6. 枯候 [ku1hou4], v.i., to wait interminably. 7. 枯竭 [ku1jie2], adj., dried up (springs of water, of thought). 8. 枯寂 [ku1ji2]1, adj., lonely. 9. 枯瘠 [ku1ji2]2, adj., emaciated. 10. 枯窘 [ku1jiong3], adj., impoverished, without money or fresh ideas. 11. 枯謝 [ku1xie4], adj., (of flowers) withered 12. 枯瘦 [ku1shou4], adj., emaciated. 13. 枯燥 [ku1zao4], adj., (of weather, place) dry; (of composition) lifeless: 枯燥無味 dull and boring; uninteresting dry-as-dust. 14. 枯萎 [ku1wei3], adj., dried up. 15. 枯葉蝶 , n., (zoo.) Gastropacha quercifolia, an insect which feeds on and destroys leaf sprouts (also 枯葉蛾).