释义 |
揭揭 | 82A35 10A.50-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄐㄧㄝ [jie1] | N. | A surname.
| V.t. | (1) Hoist, raise, lift: 揭開鍋蓋 lift up the pot cover; 揭竿 [jie1gan1]↓. (2) Proclaim, announce: 揭櫫 [jie1zhu1], 揭曉 [jie1xiao3]↓. (3) Expose, disclose, uncover, unveil: 揭露 [jie1lu4], 揭穿 [jie1chuan1], 揭開 [jie1kai0], 揭破 [jie1po4]↓.
| Words | 1. 揭榜 [jie1bang3], v.i., announce the results of an examination. 2. 揭白 [jie1bai2], v.i., draw the likeness of a dead person's facial appearance. 3. 揭裱 [jie1biao3], v.t., take off from old mount and mount anew (scrolls). 4. 揭穿 [jie1chuan1], v.t., bare, expose (secret). 5. 揭短(兒) [jie1duan3] ([jie1duaaer0]), v.i., expose s.o.’s weaknesses. 6. 揭發 [jie1fa1], v.t., to disclose, to reveal (secret, scandal). 7. 揭竿 [jie1gan1], v.i., to revolt, rebel: 揭竿而起 (allu.) raise the standard of revolt (with “bamboo poles”even without arms); 揭竿起義 ditto. 8. 揭根子 [jie1gen1zi0], phr., expose (friend's secrets). 9. 揭櫫 [jie1zhu1], v.t., proclaim, announce, publish. 10. 揭開 [jie1kai0], v.t., uncover, unseal, tear open. 11. 揭露 [jie1lu4], v.t., announce (results of lottery, etc.), publish (scandals,etc.) in newspapers. 12. 揭幕 [jie1mu4], v.i., inaugurate, unveil a new building, monument, theater, etc.(“raise the curtain”); v.i.,(fig.) come into being, get under way. 13. 揭破 [jie1po4], v.t., see [jie1chuan1]↑. 14. 揭曉 [jie1xiao3], v.t., publish, annouce (the results of an examination). 15. 揭示 [jie1shi4], v.t., to post a notice, publicly announce. 16. 揭挑 [jie1tiao0], v.i., see [jie1duan3]↑. 17. 揭帖 [jie1tie3], (1) v.t., see [jie1shi4]↑; (2) n., a written note: 匿名揭帖 an anonymous letter or poster, usu. of a slanderous nature.