释义 |
旌旌 | 871B25 60S.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄐㄧㄥ [jing1] | N. | A banner made of feathers: 旌旗 [jing1qi2]↓.
| V.t. | To honor officially: 旌表 [jing1biao3], 旌卹 [jing1xU4], 旌節 [jing1jie2]↓; 請旌 formal request for posthumous honors; 旌德 to honor the virtuous.
| Words | 1. 旌表 [jing1biao3], n., an official testimonial conferred on women for chastity or on men for loyalty or filial piety. 2. 旌旗 [jing1qi2], n., banners and flags. 3. 旌節 [jing1jie2], n., (1) formerly, insignia heralding the approach of a high official; (2) formerly, an envoy's credentials. 4. 旌卹 [jing1xU4], v.t., confer posthumous honors on (deceased) and pension his family for meritorious services to the country.