释义 |
筆筆 | 1360C55 92A.10-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄅㄧˇ [bi3] . [Var. ] | N. | (1) Writing brush (毛筆), also pen, pencil, stylus, in combb.: 鋼筆 pen, 鉛筆 pencil, 原子筆 ball pen; 臘紙筆 stylus; 粉筆 chalk; 眉筆 eyebrow pencil; 鐵筆 steel stylus for carving seal-stones; 水筆 writing brush kept moist in cap; 排筆 multiple brush for painting. (2) Quality of writing, act of writing, writing as an art: 文筆 style of writing; 筆底下=筆力 [bi3li4]↓; 筆鋒 [bi3feng1]↓; 神來之筆 inspired passage or sentence; 筆生花,生花妙筆 brilliant writing; 筆酣墨飽 joy of the brush; 刀筆 lawyer's skillful wording, cutting remarks; 潤筆 “brush moistener,”i.e., fees for writing or painting; 動筆 start to write, commit to writing. (3) A stroke in callig.: 筆畫 brush strokes; 敗筆 a bad stroke.
| V.t. | Write: 筆之於書 write it down; see Adv. & adj.↓.
| Adv. & adj. | Done by writing, of writing: 筆談 talks on paper (in free, conversational style); 筆錄,筆記 v.t., put down in writing, n., notes; see 筆記 [bi3ji4]↓; 筆削 (court.) (please) correct (my) writing mistakes; 筆答 reply by writing in examination papers; 筆戰 controversy in current articles; 筆耕 make a living by writing.
| Words | 1. 筆床 [bi3chuang2], n., stack for holding brushes. 2. 筆單 [bi3dan1], n., in 掛筆單 give author’s, artist's, rates for remuneration (=潤筆). 3. 筆調 [bi3diao4], n., style of writing. 4. 筆法 [bi3fa3], n., (1) way, technique of forming a stroke; (2) technique of writing. 5. 筆鋒 [bi3feng1], n., power, sharpness of style; angle formations in calligraphy. 6. 筆管(兒) [bi2guan3] ([bi2gua3er0]), n., handle of brush. 7. 筆會 [bi3hui4], n., P.E.N., International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists. 8. 筆札 [bi3zha2], n., stationery; things connected with writing; handwritten letter. 9. 筆者 [bi2zhe3], n., the present writer. 10. 筆跡 [bi3ji1], n., handwriting (of persons). 11. 筆架(兒) [bi3jia4]([er0]), n., stack for holding brushes. 12. 筆尖兒 [bi3jian1] ([bi3jia1er0]), n., tip of brush. 13. 筆記 [bi3ji4], n., notes of lectures, reading; “Notes,” oft. name of a book. 14. 筆直 [bi3zhi2], adj., straight (of street, etc.). 15. 筆據 [bi3jU4], n., notes in writing (I. O. U., etc.) useful as legal proof. 16. 筆力 [bi3li4], n., power of style, or strokes. 17. 筆路 [bi3lu4], n., style, technique of calligraphy. 18. 筆帽(兒) [bi3mao4]([er0]), n., cap for brush. 19. 筆名 [bi3ming2], n., pen name. 20. 筆墨 [bi3mo4], n., stationery articles; 筆墨生涯 writing as a profession; 筆墨官司 controversy in writing. 21. 筆下 [bi3xia4], n., act or style of writing: 筆下留情 phr., spare person in critical attacks; n., 筆下超生 phr., asking judge to write a lenient sentence. 22. 筆洗(子) [bi3xi3]([zi0]), n., small tray for washing brushes. 23. 筆算 [bi3suan4], n., arithmetic (doing it on paper), as opposed to 珠算 (doing it by abacus). 24. 筆套 [bi3tao4], n., cap for brush. 25. 筆筒 [bi2tong3], n., container for brushes. 26. 筆資 [bi3zi1], n., fees for writing. 27. 筆誤 [bi3wu4], n., mistake in writing, corresponding to “typographical error.” 28. 筆意 [bi3yi4], n., charm of stroke; flow of thought in writing. 29. 筆友 [bi3you3], n., friend by correspondence; pen pal.