释义 |
支支 | 38A55 10.82 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄓ [zhi1] | N.adjunct. | A stick (u.f. 枝): 一支蠟燭 one candle; hence, candle power: 五十支光 fifty candle power; number of threads per inch in gauze or silk material.
| N. | (1) A surname. (2) A branch office, branch line, a branch of family (related 枝 10A. 82): 支部 branch office; 支店,支行 local office; 支隊 an army column; 支線 branch telegraphic or railway line (opp. 幹線 trunk line); 支流 tributary, branch of river; 宗支,支脈 branch of family; 本支 same branch of family; 支路 feeder road, branch of road (3) U.f. 肢 limbs: 支解,支骸 [zhi1jie3], [zhi1hai2]↓. (4) 地支 the duodecimal cycle for counting years, days and hours: 子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥 used in conjunction with the decimal cycle 天干 see Appendix A.
| V.t. | (1) To disburse, pay out: 支付,支出 [zhi1fu4], [zhi1chu1]↓; 支撥 pay (a certain sum); 支給 pay to (person, etc.); 開支 expenditures, disbursements; 收支相抵 (平衡) balance of income and expenditures. (2) To receive, get payment: 支取 [zhi1qU3]↓; 支款,支錢 take out cash; 支借 borrow on account; 預支 prepay, (receive) advance payment; 透支 overdraw, overdraft; 停支 stop payment; 濫支 improperly disburse. (3) To support: 支持,支撐,支援 [zhi1chi2], [zhi1cheng1], [zhi1yUan3]↓; 支不住 or 支 (持) 不住 cannot hold back (onslaught), cannot hold up against (illness); 支鍋瓦兒 a three-legged support of iron or brick for round cauldrons. (4) To send about, to order, to control: 支使,支配[zhi1shi0], [zhi1pei4]↓; 支嘴兒 to order others about while not moving oneself; 把他支走 send him away.
| Adj. | Disperse: 支離 [zhi1li2]↓.
| Words | 1. 支撐 [zhi1cheng1], v.t., to prop up, to hold up a collapsing or collapsible structure: 支撐門面 to maintain the front or show. 2. 支氣管 [zhi1qi4guan3], n., bronchi; 支氣管炎 bronchitis. 3. 支出 [zhi1chu1], v.t., to pay out, take out (sum); v.t., n., outlay, expenses, expenditures. 4. 支絀 [zhi1chu4], adj., short of money. 5. 支持 [zhi1chi2] ([zhi1chi0]) v.t., to support (leader, cause, campaign, theory, etc.). 6. 支取 [zhi1qU3], v.t., to draw out (money). 7. 支點 [zhi1dian3], n., (phys.) fulcrum. 8. 支對 [zhi1dui4], v.t., (LL) to reply to question. 9. 支費 [zhi1fei4], n., expenses. 10. 支付 [zhi1fu4], v.t., to disburse; to take out (sum.). 11. 支骸 [zhi1hai2], n., human limbs and skeleton (=肢骸). 12. 支招兒 [zhi1zhao1er0], v.i., (coll.) to help to plan. 13. 支解 [zhi1jie3], v.t., (AC) to dismember (criminal) as form of punishment. 14. 支節 [zhi1jie2], n., detail: 支節問題 problems of detail (also wr. 枝) 15. 支樁 [zhi1zhuang1], v.i., (coll.) to stall an argument, to give non-commital reply. 16. 支柱 [zhi1zhu4], n., a propor supporting pillar. 17. 支楞 [zhi1leng0], v.t., to prick up (one's ears). 18. 支離 [zhi1li2], adj., broken up, piecemeal: 支離散亂 all jumbled up; adj. 支離破碎 all broken up, (of arguments) occupied with unimportant details; adj. 言語支離 give ambiguous statements. 19. 支爐兒 [zhi1lu2er0], n., an earthen pan with holes, used over oven for baking cakes. 20. 支派 [zhi1pai4], n., branch of family or school of thought. 21. 支配 [zhi1pei4] ([zhi1pei0]), v.t., (1) to allot (money, manpower) , to have (time) available for service, to control, regulate (nation, resources, etc.). 22. 支票 [zhi1piao4], n., a check payable: 空頭支票 rubber check, overdrawn check without coverage in deposits; 保付支票 certified check; 櫃臺支票 counter check. 23. 支庶 [zhi1shu4], n., the collateral branches of family. 24. 支屬 [zhi1shu3], n., relatives from branches of family. 25. 支使 [zhi1shi0], v.t., to control: 為他所支使 be controlled by him. 26. 支吾 [zhi1wu2] ([zhi1wu0]), v.i., to prevaricate, to stall with words: 你用話支吾他 make excuses with words to hold off s.o.; (AC) to resist (=枝梧) 27. 支應 [zhi1ying4] ([zhi1ying0]), v.t., (1) to control (receipts and disbursements); (2) to keep on the lookout; (3) see [zhi1wu2]↑. 28. 支移 [zhi1yi2]1, v.i., to transfer fund for another purpose where it is needed. 29. 支頤 [zhi1ji2]2, phr., to rest chin in palm or cheek in hand. 30. 支援 [zhi1yUan3], v.t., to support with money needed or send military reinforcements. 31. 支用 [zhi1yong4], v.i., &t. to defray expenses.