释义 |
攀攀 | 4B25 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄆㄢ [pan1] | V.t. & t. | (1) To climb: 攀鞍上馬 mount a horse, (lit.) mount by clasping saddle; 攀附 (權貴) attach onseslf to (persons in power) as a means of securing promotion; 攀龍附鳳 (LL) attach oneself to dragon and phoenix, with similar meaning; 攀高親 to marry into rich, well-known family; 高攀 try to make friends with those higher-up; 攀不上 dare not, be unworthy to seek connections with (persons); 攀桂 (LL) formerly, to succeed in civil examinations (“win the laurel”); 攀折 [pan1zhe2]↓; 攀花折柳 phr., to philander. (2) To implicate (accomplice) at court by accused: 攀他一口 make such statements, also 攀供.
| Words | 1. 攀纏 [pan1chan2], v.t., to keep annoying by inappropriate talk, request. 2. 攀親 [pan1qin1], v.i., to betroth, discuss betrothal. 3. 攀登 [pan1deng1], v.i., climb up. 4. 攀析 [pan1zhe2], v.t., break branches: 不准攀折 do not pick flowers, break branches. 5. 攀緣 [pan1yUan2]1, v.i., (Budd.) be distracted by material world, like monkeys swinging from branch to branch. 6. 攀援 [pan1yUan2]2, n., seek help from those on top. 7. 攀輿 [pan1yU2], v.i., to surround carriage of departing magistrate in affectionate farewell.