释义 |
肐肐 | 717B20 42A.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄍㄜ [ge1] . [Var. of胳, ] | Words | 1. 肐膀 [ge1bang3], n., the upper arm. 2. 肐臂 [ge1bi4], n., the arm. 3. 肐膊 [ge1bo0], n., the arm: 大肐膊 the upper arm; 小肐膊 the lower arm; 肐膊肘 [ge1bo1zhou3], the elbow (=肘子); 肐膊腕 [ge1bo1wan3], the wrist. 4. 肐肢窩 [ge1zhi1wo1], n., the armpit. 5. 肐臊 [ge1sao1], n., armpit odor.