释义 |
承承 | 536A40 32.00 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad64.gif) | 畫數 8 | ㄔㄥˊ [cheng2] | V.t. | (1) (Court.) to receive from above (instructions, mandate, appoinment, letter, gift): 承受,承賜,承命,承奉 [cheng2shou4], [cheng2ci4], [cheng2ming4], [cheng2feng4], etc.↓.
| V. | (2) To take over (in vb. compp., 承+vb.--having the connotation of “takig over” “on the receiving end”): 承繼,承租,承包 [cheng2ji4], [cheng2zu1], [cheng2bao1]↓; 承擔 [cheng2dan1]↓. (3) To continue: 承上起下 (a conjunction like “however” which) carries forward in a new paragraph; 承先啟後 carry on the past heritage and open up the future. (4) To serve: 承歡,承顏 [cheng2huan1], [cheng2yan2]↓; 奉承 to please or flatter another. (5) To admit, promise: 承認,承諾 [cheng2ren4], [cheng2nuo4]↓; 應承 to promise.
| Words | 1. 承保 [cheng2bao3], v.i. & t., to act as guarantor. 2. 承辦 [cheng2ban4], v.i. &t., to contract for job. 3. 承包 [cheng2bao1], v.i. & t., ditto. 4. 承差 [cheng2chai1], n., (MC) servant (=modn.聽差). 5. 承塵 [cheng2chen2], n., (1) formerly, parasol held over emperor during journey; n., (2) the ceiling (lit., “catch dust” from roof). 6. 承情 [cheng2qing2], v.i., to receive s.o.’s gift or favor. 7. 承寵 [cheng2chong3], v.i., to receive royal favor. 8. 承擔 [cheng2dan1], v.t., undertake (task, job), accept (risks), be responsible (for success, mistakes). 9. 承當 [cheng2dang1], v.t., ditto. 10. 承兌 [cheng2dui4], v.t., accept or honor (check); 承兌交單 documents against acceptance. 11. 承恩 [cheng2en1], v.i., to receive royal favor. 12. 承乏 [cheng2fa2], v.i., (court.) unworthily fill a post. 13. 承奉 [cheng2feng4], v.t., to receive (order, instructions, letter). 14. 承購 [cheng2gou4], v.t., to act as purchasing agent. 15. 承管 [cheng2guan3], v.t., to have charge (of property, affairs). 16. 承歡 [cheng2huan1], v.i., (1) to do everything to please (parents); (2) to cater to (superiors). 17. 承教 [cheng2jiao4], phr., to receive your advice, (court.) meet personally. 18. 承睫 [cheng2jie2], v.i., (LL) (1) (tears) brim over (“lashes”); (2) look on the ground (“lower eyelashes”). 19. 承繼 [cheng2ji4], v.t., to inherit (also 繼承); 承繼權 right of inheritance. 20. 承重孫 [cheng2zhong4sun1], n., eldest son of eldest branch during grandfather’s funeral, when one's father is dead (thus acting in “doubly heavy” responsibility). 21. 承攬 [cheng2lan3], v.t., to take over or take entire control (of duties, responsibilities). 22. 承霤 [cheng2liu4], n., receptacle for catching rain water from the eaves. 23. 承露盤 [cheng2lu4pan2], n., basin for catching dew water. 24. 承蒙 [cheng2meng2], v.i., (LL, court.) to be favored with (letter, etc.): 承蒙不棄 to meet with (your gracious consent, etc.). 25. 承命 [cheng2ming4], v.t., (court.) receive (instructions). 26. 承諾 [cheng2nuo4], v.i., to answer “yes” to request, to promise. 27. 承平 [cheng2ping2], adj., peaceful (era). 28. 承認 [cheng2ren4], v.i. & t., to admit (mistakes, blame, etc.); to recognize (a government, a cousin, illegitimate son); 法律承認 de jure recognition; 事實承認 de facto recognition. 29. 承襲 [cheng2xi2], v.t., to inherit (rank). 30. 承受 [cheng2shou4], v.i. & t., to receive (responsibility, gift, order, etc.). 31. 承祧 [cheng2tiao1], v.i., (a son of one branch) is legally adopted as heir of another branch without progeny; 承祧子 now also refers to the proper heir (嗣子). 32. 承賜 [cheng2ci4], v.t., (court.) receive (gift). 33. 承租 [cheng2zu1], v.i., to rent (a house). 34. 承望 [cheng2wang4], v.i., to hope, expect: 不承望 or 誰承望 didn't expect, or who would have thought. 35. 承顏 [cheng2yan2], v.i., (1) see [cheng2huan1]↑; (2) to meet personally. 36. 承運 [cheng2yUn4], v.i., receive “heaven's mandate” or call to rule as emperor.