释义 |
同同 | 696A45 42.42 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄊㄨㄥˊ [tong2] | N. | (1) Commonwealth: 大同世界 the world commonwealth; 世界大同 the world is a commonwealth, Confucius’ ideal of human society. (2) A surname.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Same, similar: 同一 [tong2yi1]↓; 相同 are alike; 如同 as if; 如同身受 would consider it as a personal favor to me; 如同刀割 like cutting of one's own flesh; 不同 be different; 同樣的 similar (ly), in the same manner; 同年,同月生 born in same year and month; 同音字 homonym; 同義字 synonym; 同時 same time; 同路人 [tong2lu4ren2]↓; 同類 same kind, class or species; 同類相殘 kill one's own kind; 同列 some rank; opp. 異:大同小異 are alike with minor differences; 同異 similarities and differences; 同工異曲 or 異曲同工 s. t. which achieves same goal with different means; 同父異母 same father, different mothers; 同胞 [tong2bao1]↓; 同袍 [tong2pao2]↓; 同室操戈 internecine warfare; 同病相憐 fellow sufferers (of same illness) understand one another; 聖人先得吾心所同然 the sage discovered what was common in the human heart. (2) Together, in common: 共同,一同 (work, proceed, leave) together; 會同,協同 in conjunction or cooperation with one another; 同來同去 come and go together; 同坐同食 sit together, eat together; 同遊 take pleasure trip together; 同甘苦 fare and share alike for better, for worse; 同住,同宿 live together; 同居 [tong2jU1]↓; 同舟共濟,風雨同舟 people “in the same boat” help each other in distress; 同衾共枕 (of husband and wife) share same quilt and pillow; 同床異夢 strange bedfellows, persons thrown together but each having a different problem or ambition; 同聲讚許 give praise in unison; 異口同聲 all agree; 同一鼻孔出氣 talk exactly one like the other; 同流合污 associate oneself with undesirable elements or trend; 同歸於盡 all perish together; 殊途同歸 reach same goal by different means (cf. “all roads lead to Rome”); 同穴 husband and wife buried in same grave.
| Prep. | With (used like vern. 和, LL 與): 他同你在一起 he is together with you; 我同你去 I'll go with you; 同他說話 talking with him.
| Words | 1. 同案 [tong2an4], n., formerly, one who was admitted to school in the same year in the civil service system. 2. 同伴 [tong2ban4], n., companion (in travel, etc.). 3. 同班 [tong2ban1], n., fellow classmate. 4. 同胞 [tong2bao1], n., brothers of the same mother; term for compatriot. 5. 同輩 [tong2bei4], n., person of the same generation. 6. 同步 [tong2bu4], v.i. & adj., synchronize, synchronous. 7. 同儕 [tong2chai2], n., (LL) fellow, colleague. 8. 同情 [tong2qing2], v.i. & t., to sympathize: 同情你 or 於你 sympathize with you; v.i. & t., 同情心 n., sympathy. 9. 同窗 [tong2chuang1], n., schoolmate, classmate (“same window”). 10. 同道 [tong2dao4], n., person of same belief or convictions. 11. 同等 [tong2deng3], adj. & n., equal, -ity; same in status, energy, remuneration, etc. 12. 同調 [tong2diao4], n., person with same common purpose or taste: 引為同調 draw person into the same political group. 13. 同房 [tong2fang2], v.i., cohabit; share the same room. 14. 同行(兒) [tong2hang2] ([er0]), n., fellow craftsman, person of same profession; n., (2) ([tong2xing2]) v.i., go together. 15. 同好 [tong2hao4], n., same tastes or hobby. 16. 同化 [tong2hua4], v.t., (1) assimilate, be assimilate; (2) (of foreign tribes) adopt Chin. dress, language and customs. 17. 同夥 [tong2huo3], n., fellow worker in same shop; member of group or gang. 18. 同種 [tong2zhong3], adj. & n., (person) of same race. 19. 同志 [tong2zhi4], n., comrade; member of same party. 20. 同居 [tong2jU1], v.i., live together, esp. live as husband and wife without marriage, cohabit: 同居分爨 live in the same house, but eat separately (of relatives). 21. 同僚 [tong2liao2], n., colleague in office. 22. 同路人 [tong2lu4ren2], n., (communist) fellow traveller. 23. 同門 [tong2men2], n., (1) pupils of same master; (2) husbands whose wives are sisters; 同門異戶 holding the same views with minor differences. 24. 同盟 [tong2meng2], n., allies; 同盟國 allied nations; 同盟會 [tong1meng1hui4], China's revolutionary party which later became the Kuomintang. 25. 同謀 [tong2mou2], v.i., conspire together: 同謀者 conspirator. 26. 同年 [tong2nian2], phr., (1) in or of the same year; 不可同年而語 should not be mentioned in the same breath -- far inferior, now usu. 同日 (see [tong2ri4]↓); (2) graduates of the same class in the civil examinations. 27. 同袍 [tong2pao2], n., comrades in the same army: 同袍同澤 ditto. 28. 同人 [tong2ren2]1, n., (fellow-member) member of a group (such as cosponsors of meeting, audience being addressed in meeting). 29. 同仁 [tong2ren2]2, n., ditto. 30. 同日 [tong2ri4], phr., in the same day: 不可同日而語, see [tong2nian2]↑. 31. 同鄉 [tong2xiang1], n. & adj., person of the same village, country or province. 32. 同姓 [tong2xing4]1, member of the same clan. 33. 同性 [tong2xing4]2, n., same sex; 同性愛,同性戀 homosexual, -lity. 34. 同心 [tong2xin1], adj., united at heart or in common purpose; 同心同德 with one heart and one mind; 同心圓 (math.) concurrent circle; 同心結 a “lovers’ knot,” also used on Buddhist cassocks. 35. 同事 [tong2shi4], n., common term for “colleague.” 36. 同時 [tong2shi2], adv., at the same time, simultaneously, in the meantime. 37. 同學 [tong2xUe2], n., fellow student; 同學會 alumni association. 38. 同堂 [tong2tang2], n., cousin (=堂兄弟) of same family name. 39. 同宗 [tong2zong1], adj., of the same clan branch. 40. 同族 [tong2zu2], adj., of the same tribe. 41. 同位素 [tong2wei4su4], n., (chem.) isotope. 42. 同溫層 [tong2wen1ceng2], n., stratosphere. 43. 同文 [tong2wen2], adj., of the same language and culture. 44. 同硯 [tong2yan4], n., fellow student (=同學). 45. 同樣 [tong2yang4], adv., equal, -ly: 同樣美麗,報酬 equally beautiful, equally paid. 46. 同業 [tong2ye4], n., member of the same profession; 同業公會 a trade union. 47. 同一 [tong2yi1], n., same: 同一方向,步伐 same direction, steps. 48. 同意 [tong2yi4], v.i. & n., agree, consent: 我不同意 I disagree; 得你同意 have your consent; 同意書 letter of agreement.