释义 |
戲戲 | 341A15 21S.71-7 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄒㄧˋ [xi4] . [Pop. ; abbr. ] | N. | (1) Theater, theatrical shows: 戲劇 [xi4jU4]↓; 戲曲 [xi4qU3]↓; 京戲 Peking opera: 文明戲 modern drama in modern vernacular; 傀儡戲 puppet show; 影戲 movie; 皮影戲 puppet shadow show; 演戲 to perform a play, performance; 拿手好戲 an opera which is some singer's specialty--hence specialty in gen. (2) S.t. interesting: 有戲可看了 s.t. interesting (e.g., an open break between parties) will turn up. (3) Games, amusement; 遊戲 60.83, a game; 逢場作戲 to take part in merely accidental amusement; 調戲 60A.42; see 戲弄,戲謔 [xi4nong4], [xi4nUe4]↓.
| Words | 1. 戲本(子) [xi4ben3]([zi0]), n., text for play or opera. 2. 戲班(兒) [xi4ban1]([xi4ba1er0]), n., a troupe. 3. 戲包袱 [xi4bao1fu0], n., an actor who commands a wide repertory. 4. 戲筆 [xi4bi3], n., a “playful stroke of the pen,” in rapid sketch. 5. 戲齣兒 [xi4chu1er0], n., comics or toys with themes from the theater. 6. 戲曲 [xi4qU3], n., the theater, theatrical plays. 7. 戲單(兒) [xi4dan1]([xi4da1er0]), n., the theatrical bill. 8. 戲法(兒) [xi4fa3]([er0]), n., magic, sleight-of-hand; (fig.) a trick: 戲法人人會變 tricks in business, politics are common to all--no one's specialty. 9. 戲館子 [xi4guan1zi0], n., formerly, a theater (now usu. 戲院 [xi4yUan4]↓). 10. 戲劇 [xi4jU4], n., common term for drama; 戲劇性 dramatic. 11. 戲碼兒 [xi4ma3er0], n., theatrical program. 12. 戲迷 [xi4mi2], n., an addict of (Peking) opera. 13. 戲弄 [xi4nong4], v.t., to mock, tease (person). 14. 戲謔 [xi4nUe4], n. & v.i. & adj., cajolery, making fun of each other; mocking. 15. 戲判 [xi4pan4], n., an occasional critical opinion, usu. written in fun. 16. 戲評 [xi4ping2], n., dramatic criticism. 17. 戲殺 [xi4sha1], v.t., (LL) to commit manslaughter, without intention and started in fun. 18. 戲衫(子) [xi4shan1]([zi0]), n., stage costume. 19. 戲箱 [xi4xiang1], n., actors’ trunks containing accessories of play. 20. 戲耍 [xi4shua3], n. & v.i., playing and joking; to do for fun. 21. 戲臺 [xi4tai2], n., the theatrical stage. 22. 戲談 [xi4tan2], n., playful discussion. 23. 戲子 [xi4zi0], n., (derog.) an actor. 24. 戲文 [xi4wen2], n., (1) a play; (2) text of a play. 25. 戲言 [xi4yan2], n., a joke, a humorous remark. 26. 戲衣 [xi4yi1], n., stage costume. 27. 戲院 [xi4yUan4], n., a theater or movie house. 28. 戲園子 [xi4yUan2zi0], n., formerly, a theater (modn, [xi4yUan4]↑).