释义 |
概概 | 135B10 10B.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄍㄞˋ [gai4] . [Var. ] | N. | (1) A T-shaped wooden piece used to level off grain in a measure. (2) Manner of carrying and conducting oneself: 氣概 bearing, deportment; 節概 upright conduct. (3) Landscape, scenery: 勝概 excellent view. (4) General outline: 概略 [gai4lUe4], 概要 [gai4yao4]↓; 梗概 essentials, an abridged summary.
| V.t. | (1) Exemplify, typify: 即此一端,可概其餘 this single item will suffice to typify all the rest. (2) Generalize: 概括 [gai4kuo4]↓.
| Adj. | General: 概論 [gai4lun4], 概況 [gai4kuang4]↓; 概算 a rough estimate.
| Adv. | 概 or 一概 all, without exception; 概不賒欠 no credit allowed to anybody, always cash; 概作罷論 let no more be said about it altogether; 概不作答 no reply will be given to any correspondence; 概而言之 generally speaking; 可以概見 generally evident; 概覽 viewed in gen.
| Words | 1. 概觀 [gai4guan1], n., a general view, a bird's-eye view. 2. 概況 [gai4kuang4], n., general condition or situation. 3. 概括 [gai4kuo4], v.t. & n., generalize, generalization: 概括起來 to summarize. 4. 概論 [gai4lun4], n., a general outline, an introduction (to subject), statement of basic principles. 5. 概略 [gai4lUe4], n., a summary outline. 6. 概念 [gai4nian4], n., a concept. 7. 概要 [gai4yao4], n., essentials; elements (of science), outline (of history).