释义 |
事事 | 1C20 10.00 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄕˋ [shi4] | N. | (1) Affair, business, matter: 事務,事件,事情 [shi4wu4]2, [shi4jian4], [shi4qing2]↓; affair: 這件事 this affair, this business; 國事,家事 national, family affairs; 人事 personnel (problems); 公事,私事 public, private affairs; 萬事 all: 萬事如意 have all one's wishes; 風流韻事 a romantic affair, a scholar's gathering; 事不干己 the affair does not concern one; 事急,事忙 matter is urgent, business is pressing; 事半功倍 half the work with double results; 事倍功半 twice the work with half of results. (2) Fact, event, happening: 事實 [shi4shi2]↓; 事與願違 events do not happen as one wishes; 事過境遷 events have passed and times have changed; 事出有因 this happens not without reason; 事前,事後 before, after the event; 喜事 happy event (wedding, celebration); 喪事 funeral; 紅白事 happy and unhappy events; 事故,事端 [shi4gu4], [shi4duan1]↓. (3) Trouble, accident, undesirable event: 出事 have an accident (in travel); 肇事 cause trouble, a row; 事變 [shi4bian4]↓; 平安無事 all is well; 多事之秋 year of many troubles; 大事化為小事,小事化為無事 reduce a big trouble into a small one, and a small one into nothing; 省事 save trouble; 費事 takes a lot of doing; 少管閒事 don't meddle in others’ affairs; 造謠生事 cause trouble by spreading rumors; 惹事生非 be meddlesome; 了事 close a dispute, lawsuit; 息事寧人 stop dispute and live and let live; 舉事,起事 start rebellion; 事到如今 things have come to such a pass that. (4) Matter in gen., matters: 這是怎麼一回事 What is all this? 醫事 medical matters; 政事 politics, government; 軍事 military matters or affairs; 任事 take charge of matters; 史事 historical matters; 軼事,趣事 anecdotes; 房事 sexual intercourse; 月事 menstruation. (5) Oft. part of title: 董事,理事 board directors; 監事 supervisor; 幹事 executive officer, secretary or manager; 推事 judge; 通事 formerly, official interpreter of foreign language; 領事 consul; 執事 (LL) oft. used in letters like 先生 you, sir; 管事 men in charge; 縣知事 county magistrate.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To do: 不事農商 will not take up farming or a trade; 不事生產 does not attend to business or hold a job; 從事教育 devote oneself to education; 無所事事 do nothing all day. (2) To serve: 事親,事君 serve parents, ruler.
| Words | 1. 事變 [shi4bian4], n., sudden turn of events (relellion, coup d'etat, etc.) 2. 事情 [shi4qing2], n., (1) course of events, story; (2) ([shi4qing0]) affair, event: 這件事情 this affair; 沒有事情 nothing has happened; 有什麼事情 what is up? 3. 事權 [shi4qUan2], n., duties and responsibilities (of an official), legal power in a case. 4. 事端 [shi4duan1], n., an event, a dispute: 引起事端 causes disputes. 5. 事故(兒) [shi4gu4]([er0]), n., an affair; some trouble. 6. 事蹟 [shi4ji1]1, n., record of events, a person's activities. 7. 事機 [shi4ji1]2, n., crux of a situation, happenings behind the scenes. 8. 事件 [shi4jian4], n., an event, an item of business: 這些事件交給你 you will take charge of these several items; 事件發生 something happens. 9. 事主 [shi4zhu3], n., party in an accident dealing or lawsuit. 10. 事兒 [shi4er0], n., see [shi4qing2]↑. 11. 事例 [shi4li4], n., case history, case law. 12. 事略 [shi4lUe4], n., brief biographical sketch. 13. 事項 [shi4xiang4], n., item of business, see [shi4jian4]↑. 14. 事先 [shi4xian1], adv., prior to event. 15. 事勢 [shi4shi4]1, n., trend of events. 16. 事事 [shi4shi4]2, pron., everything: 事事小心 be careful in everything. 17. 事實 [shi4shi2], n., fact: 事實如此 that is the fact; n., 事實上 [shi4shi2shang4], adv., as a matter of fact, factually (impossible, etc.). 18. 事畜 [shi4xU4], v.i., (LL) to serve (parents) and raise (children). 19. 事態 [shi4tai4], n., the look of things, situation, circumstances. 20. 事體 [shi4ti3], n., business (important, unimportant): 事體 單,複雜 matter is simple, complicated. 21. 事物 [shi4wu4]1, n., things, articles, objects: 各種事物 different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.). 22. 事務 [shi4wu4]2, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs; 事務員 (also wr. 庶務) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.); 事務所 business office (as of lawyer, doctor). 23. 事樣兒 [shi4yang4er0], n., look or appearance of things: 成什麼事樣兒 what will it look like? 24. 事業 [shi4ye4], n., (1) a man's business or life work, career; (2) business enterprise: 公共事業 a public enterprise. 25. 事宜 [shi4yi2], n., (official) event, case, subject dealt with. 26. 事由 [shi4you2], n., story (of event, dispute, etc.); n., 事由兒 [shi4you2er0], n., some kind of work or event: 什麼事由兒他也做 he'll take up any kind of work.