释义 |
建建 | 378B05 22.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄐㄧㄢˋ [jian4] | N. | (1) (Peking dial. also [jin1]) a lunar month: 大建,小建 one of 30, 29 days. (2) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) Establish, set up, erect, found, create: 建都,建校 to found a capital, a school; 建功 win glory for one's country or any group to which one belongs; 建國 [jian4guo2], 建立 [jian4li4], 建設 [jian4she4]↓; 建造 [jian4zao4]↓; 增建 make new additional structures; 違建 illegal structures; 再建 reconstruct, build anew; 重建 rehabilitate, rebuild. (2) Overturn: 建瓴 [jian4ling2]↓.
| Words | 1. 建白 [jian4bo2], v.i., make appeal or recommendations on public affairs. 2. 建朝 [jian4chao2], v.i., found a dynasty. 3. 建國 [jian4guo2], v.i., create a new nation. 4. 建基 [jian4ji1], v.i., lay the foundations. 5. 建極 [jian4ji2], v.i., (of a monarch) ascend the throne. 6. 建築 [jian4zhu2], v.t., build (houses, roads, bridges): 建築物 a building, edifice, structure. 7. 建立 [jian4li4], v.t., erect (a monument), build (a church, school, hospital), create (an office, agency, institution). 8. 建瓴 [jian4ling2], adj. phr., (AC) as easy as letting spilt water flow down the roof. 9. 建設 [jian4she4], n., new developments, progress; v.t., build up (a business, reputation, armed forces, agriculture, industry); 建設性 adj., constructive; 建設性批評 constructive criticism. 10. 建樹 [jian4shu4], v.t., set up, establish; n., achievements. 11. 建造 [jian4zao4], v.t., build (house, ship, railroad, highway). 12. 建議 [jian4yi4], (1) v.i., make recommendations, offer suggestions, give advice; (2) n., a proposal, resolution. 13. 建寅 [jian4yin2], n., (AC) the dynastic calendar of Hsia (2205-1766 B.C.) with the month of Yirn (寅) as the first month of the year, see Appendix A.