

ㄑㄧㄣ [qin1. (*ㄑㄧㄥˋ [qing4).
N.(1)  Relative, blood kin: [qin1qi0]↓;
族,屬 relatives, clan;
不認 a man who (after success) disdains to recognize his kinsmen;
often coupled with friends, 故,朋,[qin1gu4], [qin1peng2], [qin1jiu4]↓;
visit relatives;
誼 sentiment of relationship;
wife's relatives;
kin by marriage;
,近 distant, close relatives;
blood kin.
(2)  Parents: 父,母 father, mother;
長 parents and uncles;
visit one's parents;
情深似海 a parent's love is infinite.
(3)  (*[qing4]) Family or its members related by marriage: 家,家太太,家娘 [qin1jia0], [qin1jia1tai4tai4], [qin1jia1niang2]↓.
(4)  Marriage: 定 betroth, -al;
,成 be married;
bridegroom goes to bride's family to welcome her to ceremony, see [qin1ying4]↓;
bespeak a boy or girl for marriage;
seek girl's hand in marriage;
seek marriage with a higher-class family;
,退 annul betrothal.
V.t.(1)  To love, to be close to: 愛,暱,近,[qin1ai4], [qin1ni4], [qin1jin4], [qin1qie4]↓;
相愛 very loving, deeply attached to each other;
女色 have relationships with women;
男色 to have homosexual relations.
(2)  To kiss: 她一下 kiss her;
嘴,[qin1zui3], [qin1wen3]↓.
Adj.(1)  Loving, close, intimate: 愛,熱,暱,[qin1ai4], [qin1re0], [qin1ni4], [qin1jin4]↓.
(2)  Related by blood: [qin1sheng1]↓;
兄弟,姊妹 brothers, sisters of same mother;
兒子 one's own child;
爹,母,[qin1die1], [qin1mu3], [qin1niang2]↓(pr. [qin1] and *[qing4] with different meanings);
的己的 one's very own kin;
的熱的 very close relative.
Adv.Personally: 自,手,口,筆,[qin1zi4], [qin1shou3], [qin1kou3], [qin1bi3], [qin1shen1]↓;
率,兵,征 personally lead the army in battle;
展,啟 (letter) to be personally opened;
眼看見 see with one's own eyes;
臨 personally attend (meeting).
Words1. [qin1ai4], adj., dear, affectionate, esp. 愛的 darling, beloved: 愛的母,朋友 my dear mother, friend.
2. [qin1bang4], n., (MC) close relative.
3. [qin1bi3], phr., written by person's own hand.
4. [qin1qi0], n., relatives in gen. (外 maternal relatives; cf. 戚外戚 queen's or mother's relatives).
5. [qin1qie4], adj., warm (friends); moving: 切動人 (writing, advice) warm, from the heart, touching.
6. [qin1die1], n., (1) one's own father, as dist. stepfather; (2) (*[qing4]) see [qin1jia0]↓.
7. [qin1ding1], n., blood kin.
8. [qin1geng1], phr., the emperor personally and symbolically ploughs the land.
9. [qin1gui4], n., princesses, the royal kin.
10. [qin1gu4], n., old friends and relatives.
11. [qin1gong1], n. & v.i., personal testimony before court, affidavit.
12. [qin1zhang3], n., elderly relatives.
13. [qin1zheng4], v.i., emperor assumes government duties after coming of age.
14. 家 *[qing4jia0], n., (1) relatives by marriage; (2) families related by marriage, also used as address to each other; (3) added to term of relation, in mutual address (used more broadly than Eng. "in-law," extending to whole related family): 家哥哥,家兒子,家女兒 brother, son, daughter of the r. f. (related family); 爹,家老兒 father, uncle of r. f.; 爺爺 grandfather and granduncle of r. f.; 奶奶,娘 mother, aunt of r. f.; 家娘 *[qing4jia0niang2], bride's or groom's mother; 家太太 *[qing4jia0tai4tai4], grandmother, grandaunt of r.f.; 家老爺 master of r. f.; (4) 家兒 (Peip. coll.) mistress, lover: 靠家兒 taken as mistress.
15. [qin1jin4], (1) v.t. & adj., close, intimate; v.t. &adj., be close to; (2) n., close friends or relatives.
16. [qin1jiu4], n., see [qin1gu4]↑.
17. [qin1zhi1], n., relatives and close friends (知友).
18. [qin1zhi4], v.t., (LL) be personally tutored, study under (person).
19. [qin1jUan4], n., family relatives, womenfolk of one's family.
20. [qin1kou3], adv., (told) by person himself: 口答應 personally promise.
21. [qin1mi4], adj., very intimate (friend, lover, relative).
22. [qin1mu3], n., one's own mother, as dist. stepmother; child of concubine referring to her own mother as dist. the mother of the family.
23. [qin1niang2], n., (1) one's own mother; (2) (*[qing4]), see [qin1jia0]↑.
24. [qin1ni4], v.t., develop intimate, esp. illicit relations with person; regard as favorite.
25. [qin1peng2], n., relatives and friends.
26. [qin1re0], adj., warm and affectionate (with person); very close (relative), bosom (friend).
27. [qin1ren2], n., a relative.
28. [qin1shan4], (1) v.t., to befriend; (2) adj., friendly.
29. [qin1shen1], adv., personally.
30. [qin1sheng1], adj., (of parents, children) first kin, one's own.
31. [qin1xin4], n., confident, right-hand man; v.t. & adj., trusted (friend, associate).
32. [qin1shou3], adv., with one's own hand: 手交付 deliver personally.
33. [qin1shu1], adj. & n., both close and distant relatives.
34. [qin1shi4], n., the matter of marriage of a boy or girl: 事已定 the boy or girl is already engaged.
35. [qin1sui2], n., personal attendant.
36. [qin1zui3], v.t., to kiss: 給他嘴 kiss him.
37. [qin1zu2], n., kinsmen.
38. [qin1zi4], adv., personally: 自到場 personally attend.
39. [qin1wang2], n., a prince.
40. [qin1wen3], v.t., to kiss.
41. [qin1yan3], adv., (see) with one's own eyes.
42. [qin1ying4], v.i., (the bridegroom) goes to bride's home to escort her to the wedding.
43. [qin1you3], n., friends and relatives.





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