

ㄋㄧㄢˊ [nian2
N.(1)  A year: 前,今,明 last, this and next year;
every year;
內 within the year;
首,末 beginning, end of year;
來 in the last or last few years;
in the year(s) gone by;
根兒底下,終歲尾 toward the year's end;
往事 things of many years ago;
久失修 has not been repaired for many years;
之交 friendship between old and young people;
不如一 every year gets worse;
see 代,度,[nian2dai4], [nian2du4], [nian2feng4]↓.
(2)  The New Year (新): 拜,賀 pay New Year calls;
pass the New Year;
夜 New Year's Eve;
活兒 things for New Year;
see 貨,[nian2huo4], [nian2zhi3]↓.
(3)  Person's age: 少 youth;
,幼 childhood;
prime of youth;
old age;
富力強 in the prime of life;
高德劭 venerable in age and character;
以享天 enjoy the last years of one's life;
course of one's life in fortunetelling.
(4)  The times, condition of harvest: 豐,歉 year of good, bad, crops;
see 頭,[nian2tou2], [nian2yUe4]↓.
(5)  A surname.
Words1. [nian2bao4], n., yearbook; annual report.
2. [nian2bei4], n., seniority according to age, see 輩 22.10.
3. [nian2biao3], n., chronicle of events of a country or of person's life year by year.
4. [nian2bo2], n., formerly, a person of same class of graduates as one's father; father of a person of the same class of graduates.
5. [nian2cheng0], n., the condition of a year's harvest.
6. [nian2qi2], n., (1) Age: 老期 senility; 幼期 childhood; (2) term of deposit: 二期存款,半期 two-year fixed deposit, six-month deposit; (3)期 (med.) menopause.
7. [nian2qian4], n., crop failure, year of poor harvest.
8. [nian2qing1], adj., young in age: 輕輕兒的 (also wr. 青).
9. [nian2chi3], a person's age: 齒尚幼 still young in age.
10. [nian2dai4], n., an epoch, era or period: 三十代in the thirties.
11. [nian2di4], n., formerly, a person of the same class of graduation.
12. 底(下) [nian2di3]([xia4]), n., year-end (also 末).
13. [nian2du4], n., as in 會計度 fiscal year; 學度 school year; 下一度 the next fiscal or school year.
14. [nian2fan4], n., New Year's Eve family dinner (also 夜飯).
15. [nian2fen4], n., (of porcelain, wine, etc.) age or vintage.
16. [nian2feng4], n., yearly stipend.
17. [nian2feng1], n., a bumper year, a bumper harvest.
18. [nian2gao1], n., New Year pudding made of glutinous rice flour.
19. [nian2geng1], n., a person’s horoscope: 庚八字 the hour, date, month, and year of one's birth.
20. [nian2guan1], n., day for the settlement of accounts, on New Year's Eve: 過關 settle such accounts.
21. [nian2guang1], n., passage of time: 光荏苒 the quick passing of time.
22. [nian2gong1], n., years of service: 功加俸 pay hike with each additional year of service.
23. [nian2gu3], n., the annul harvest, usu. of rice.
24. [nian2hao4], n., title of emperor's reign.
25. 畫(兒) [nian2hua4]([er0]), n., ready-made painting sold during New Year's time, usu. depicting joyous scenes or showing good omen.
26. [nian2hua2], n., passage of time, age, esp. youth: 似水華 time passes like flowing water; 二八華 sweet sixteen.
27. [nian2hui4], n., annual convention.
28. [nian2huo4], n., food and other articles for use during the New Year season.
29. [nian2zhang3], v.i. & adj., (become) older in age.
30. [nian2jia1], n., formerly, a fellow graduate of the same class.
31. [nian2jia4], n., New Year holidays.
32. [nian2jian4], n., yearbook, almanac.
33. [nian2jian1], adv., during a certain era of period: 乾隆間 during the reign of Chienlung.
34. [nian2jie2], n., New Year festival.
35. [nian2ji4], n., a person's age: 紀這麼大 now that you are so old; 小小紀 one is yet so young; 多大紀 how old are you? 紀高不高 is he old or young?
36. 景(兒) [nian2jing3]([er0]), n., (1) conditions at New Year's time; (2) harvest condition: 景不好 this year's harvest (or business) is not good.
37. [nian2jin1], n., annuity.
38. [nian2ji2], n., class or grade in a school: 高級 higher class; 低級 lower class; 一,二級 first, second year in school.
39. [nian2zhi2], n., nephew in relation to 伯 see [nian2bo2]↑.
40. [nian2zhi3], n., paper articles (such as scrolls, paper money for the dead) used at New Year.
41. [nian2la4], n., the age of a Buddhist monk.
42. [nian2li4]1, n., one's mental or physical power at a certain age: 力就衰 the physical or mental power on the decline.
43. [nian2li4]2, n., annual interest rate, interest per annum.
44. [nian2li4]3, n., annual custom.
45. [nian2li3], n., New Year's gift.
46. [nian2ling2], n., a person's age.
47. [nian2lun2], n., (bot.) annual rings of trees.
48. [nian2mai4], adj., advanced in age: 壽高邁.
49. [nian2mao4], n., age and description (in registration, etc.).
50. (兒) [nian2nian2] ([nian2niarer0]), adv., every year: 如意 New Year greetings.
51. [nian2pu3], n., year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death-a litr. form.
52. [nian2ru4], n., annual income.
53. [nian2shang3], n., New Year gifts to subordinates.
54. [nian2shao4], adj., young of age.
55. [nian2xian4], n., a fixed number of years.
56. [nian2xi3], n., Happy New Year: 恭祝禧 best wishes for a happy New Year.
57. [nian2shou4], n., the number of years one has lived.
58. [nian2shi4], n., a person's age: 事已高 advanced in age.
59. [nian2xiong1], n., my elder brother, (court.) formerly, address to successful fellow students partaking in the same examination; see [nian2di4]↑.
60. [nian2sui4], n., (1) age: 這麼大歲 now that you are so old; 多大歲 how old are you? (2) see [nian2tou2]↓.
61. [nian2suo3], n., (AC) the number of years that has expired.
62. 頭(兒) [nian2tou2]([er0]), n., (1) condition of the times (good, bad); (2) condition of the harvest: 今頭兒很好 this year's harvest is pretty good.
63. [nian2zu1], n., annual rental.
64. [nian2zuo4], n., (1) the number of years of a dynasty or king's reign; (2) length of person's life.
65. [nian2ye4], n., New Year's Eve (also 除夕).
66. [nian2yi4], n., formerly, friendship between persons of the same graduation class.
67. [nian2yUe4], n., condition of the times: 太平月 peaceful times; 這種月 such times!





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