释义 |
式式 | 1049B35 71.71 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄕˋ [shi4] | N. | (1) Model, standard. (2) Rituals, form of ceremony: 儀式 ditto; 結婚式 rituals of wedding; 畢業式 commencement exercises; 開幕式,閉幕式 opening, closing ceremony. (2) Form, formula, style: 公式 formula; 樣式,形式 shape, appearance (of pot, vase, ceremony, etc.); 方程式 (math.) an equation; 新式,舊式 new, old style; 時式 fashionable, modern style; 正式 formal, -ly (announced, married, adopted, etc.). (3) (Gram.) tense: 現在式,過去式 present, past tense; 未來式 future tense; 進行式 progressive tense, voice; cf. 態 93.72.
| Words | 1. 式子 [shi4zi0], n., form, pattern (of dress etc.). 2. 式微 [shi4wei2], v.i., (Ac) fall in power, become weak, decay. 3. 式樣 [shi4yang4], n., (1) form, shape of things; (2) sample.