释义 |
幅幅 | 403C25 22B.41-3 | 部居
| 畫數 12 | ㄈㄨˊ [fu2] | N. adjunct. | Denoting a long strip: 一幅畫 one painting; 一幅對子 a couplet of calligraphy hung on wall; 一幅肖像 a portrait; dist. 副 30S.00 pr. [fu4], a set.
| N. | (1) Width of cloth or paper: 全幅 whole piece of material; 單幅,雙幅 cloth material of single or double width. (2) Hem: 邊幅 hemline, see 91.83.
| Words | 1. 幅巾 [fu2jin1], n., (MC) turban made of whole length of material, also called 頭. 2. 幅員 [fu2yUan2], n., territory as shown on maps; size of it.