释义 |
種種 | 1177C25 90A.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄓㄨㄥˇ [zhong3] (*ㄓㄨㄥˋ [zhong4] ). | N. | (1) ([zhong3zi0], [er0]) Seed: 種子 [zhong3zi3]↓; 播種,布種 sow seeds; 龍種 Royal descendants, progeny; 傳種接代 that the family line may continue from generation to generation; 石種子 sterile seeds. (2) Race: 種族 [zhong3zu2]↓; 純種 pure breed, purebred; 雜種 (abuse) bastard, hybrid; 混血種 mixed blood; 白種,黃種,黑種,紅種 the White, Yellow, Black, Brown (red Indian) Race; 同種,異種 same, different, race. (3) Vaccine, graft: 種痘 ditto; 接種 to graft (trees). (4) Kind, sort, variety, species: 種別,種類 [zhong3bie2], [zhong3lei4]↓; 各種人等,各種禮物 different or all kinds of people, gifts; 特種 special kind; 種切 [zhong3qie4]↓. (5) Breed: 好種,壞種 good, bad breed; 懦種 a weak breed; 遺種 progeny, descendants; 孽種 (abuse) “bad egg,” “bastard.”
| V.t. | (*[zhong4]) To plant, sow, cultivate: 種植,種地,種田 [zhong4zhi2], [zhong4di4], [zhong4tian2]↓; 種花 cultivate flowers; 種米 plant rice; 種莊稼 plant different grains; 種魚 raise fish (in nursery); 種瓜得瓜,種麥得麥 reap as one has sown; (fig.) 種德 cultivate virtue which has its rewards; 種因 [zhong4yin1]↓; 種下惡果,種禍 sow seeds of future trouble.
| Words | 1. 種別 [zhong3bie2], n., variety, species, race. 2. 種切 [zhong3qie4], n., (LL, esp. in letters) different things: 聆悉種切 have learned different news; 種切情形 (report of ) various aspects of things. 3. 種地 *[zhong4di4], v.i., to farm land. 4. 種痘 *[zhong4dou4], n. & v.t., to vaccinate, -tion. 5. 種種 [zhong2zhong3], adj., different kinds of (reasons, causes, results, etc.). 6. 種植 *[zhong4zhi2], n. & v.i., planting; to plant; 種植園 plantation; flower nursery. 7. 種類 [zhong3lei4], n., classes, kinds, varieties (of plants, fish, flowers, etc.). 8. 種落 [zhong3luo4], n., a settlement (of people), a tribe. 9. 種田 *[zhong4tian2], v.i., see [zhong4di4]↑. 10. 種族 [zhong3zu2], n., race, tribe: 種族不同 of different race or tribe; 種族隔離 apartheid (in South Africa); 種族歧視 racial discrimination; 種族偏見 racial prejudice. 11. 種子 [zhong2zi3], n., seed, see N.1↑. 12. 種因 *[zhong4yin1], v.i., (Budd.) “sow the cause” and reap consequences. 13. 種玉 *[zhong4yU4], v.i., (LL) as in 藍田種玉 (allu.) to give birth to sons or (court.) give worthy son to worthy father.