释义 |
將將 | 334A30 21S.00-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄐㄧㄤ [jiang1] (*ㄐㄧㄤˋ [jiang4] , *ㄑㄧㄤ [qiang1] ). | N. | (*[jiang4]) A military commander, a general officer: 將領 [jiang1ling3], 將帥 [jiang1shuai4]1↓; 上將 full general; 中將 lieutenant general; 少將 major general; 准將 brigadier general; 大將 a great commander; 驍將,勇將 a brave, dauntless general; 驕兵悍將 unruly commander and soldiers; 將在外君命有所不受 a field commander must decide even against king's orders; 將材 [jiang1cai2]↓; 將相本無種 generals and prime ministers are not born but made.
| V.i. & t. | (1) Move forward, advance: 日就月將 make steady and continual progress. (2) Take, see Prep. below: 將酒來 bring me some wine; 將就 [jiang1jiu4]↓. (3) (*[jiang4]) To command: 將兵 *[jiang4bing1]↓; 將將 *[jiang4jiang4]↓. (4) (*[qiang1]) (AC) ask, appeal for: 將伯 ask for assistance; 將子無怒 please don't be angry with me. (5) Take care of: 將護 [jiang1hu4]↓. (6) Engage in doing: 將事 [jiang1shi4]↓. (7) (AC) give a send-off to: 百兩將之 (AC) despatch a hundred chariots to escort her. (8) (AC) accompany: 鄭伯將王自圉門入 the Earl of Tseng accompanied the king to enter by the Yumen. (9) (Of the game of chess) to checkmate (the opponent's king). (10) As vb. suffix, begin to : 叫將起來,怕將起來 begin to scream, to be afraid.
| Vb.aux. | Will (about to, on the point of, soon): 天將下雨 it's going to rain; 將要 [jiang1yao4]↓; 即將 will soon, about to; 不知老之將至 don't know that old age is just around the corner (“will be soon coming”); 將來 [jiang1lai2]↓.
| Adv. | (1) Just, a moment earlier, a very short time ago: 昨天將到 came only yesterday; 將才 [jiang1cai2], 將將 [jiang1jiang1], 將次 [jiang1ci4]↓. (2) Partly…partly…: 將信將疑 half believing, half doubting.
| Prep. | By, with (followed by object and vb., cf. use of 把 10A.70): 將它移開 take this away; 將有餘補不足 take from the rich and give to the poor; 將心比心 judge other person’s feelings by one's own; 將功贖罪 redeem sins by good deeds; 將勤補拙 make up for lack of skill with industry; 將錯就錯 make the best of a bad bargain; 將計就計 turn a person's trick against him.
| Words | 1. 將弁 *[jiang4bian4], n., military officers in general. 2. 將兵 *[jiang4bing1], v.i., to command troops, cf. *[jiang4jiang4]↓. 3. 將護 [jiang1hu4], v.t., take good care of, look after (s.o.) carefully, tend (the sick, injured, or aged). 4. 將將 *[jiang4jiang4], (1) v.i., be the commander of commanders; (2) ([jiang1jiang1]) adv., a short while earlier, a moment ago (=剛剛). 5. 將近 [jiang1jin4], adv., nearly, approximately, about, soon. 6. 將就 [jiang1jiu4], v.i., make do with s.t., to compromise, accept the fait accompli. 7. 將種 *[jiang4zhong3], n., person born of military forbears. 8. 將軍 [jiang1jU3], n., (1) a general; (2) (AC) loosely any officer. 9. 將指 *[jiang4zhi3], n., (1) the middle finger of the hand; (2) the toe. 10. 將來 [jiang1lai2], (1) n. & adj., (the) future; (2) adv., in the future. 11. 將令 *[jiang4ling4], n., orders issued by a commanding general. 12. 將領 *[jiang4ling3], n., high-ranking military leaders. 13. 將略 *[jiang4lUe4], n., military strategy and tactics. 14. 將門 *[jiang4men2], n., the family of a high-ranking military officer. 15. 將攝 [jiang1se4], v.i., to rest and recuperate, convalesce, see [jiang1xi2]↓. 16. 將校 *[jiang4xiao4], n., a collective term for general and field officers. 17. 將息 [jiang1xi2], v.i., to rest and recuperate. 18. 將帥 *[jiang4shuai4]1, n., a commanding general. 19. 將率 *[jiang4shuai4]2, n., ditto. 20. 將士 *[jiang4shi4], n., officers and men. 21. 將事 [jiang1shi4], v.i., going to: 將事努力 going to work hard. 22. 將食 [jiang1shi2], v.i., take food, have a meal. 23. 將才 [jiang1cai2], (1) (*[jiang4cai2]) n., =將材 ↓; (2) ([jiang1cai2]) adv., a moment ago (=剛才). 24. 將材 *[jiang4cai2], n., a person with all the qualifications of a great general. 25. 將次 [jiang1ci4], adv., nearly, gradually, slowly. 26. 將佐 *[jiang4zuo3], n., high-ranking military officers. 27. 將晚 [jiang1wan3], adv., towards evening. 28. 將養 [jiang1yang3], v.i., recuperate, convalesce. 29. 將要 [jiang1yao4], vb. aux., will, be going to: 將要出動,停止 going to start, stop.