释义 |
納納 | 1435C45 93B.42-8 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄋㄚˋ [na4] | N. | A surname.
| V.t. | (1) Receive, accept, welcome, take, be friends with: 納入 receive (a sum of money) and enter it in the ledger; 收納 receive (funds), give shelter to (s. o.); 接納 receive, welcome (a caller); 納賄 (also 受賄) accept bribes; 納妾 take a concubine; 納寵 ditto; 納諫 take advice, usu. from an inferior in status; 納交 become friends with (s.o.). (2) Pay, send, present, offer: 納貢 pay tribute; pay money to buy official title of; 貢生納款 make abproaches to negotiate surrender [WEdit: 'abproaches' should read 'approaches']; 納幣,納采,納徵 send precious gifts, silk presents to the bride's home at time of betrothal; 納稅人 taxpayer; 納糧 make tax payments in kind, usu. in rice; 出納 person in charge of cash receipts and payments, cashier; 繳納 make payments of any kind; 納賄 (also 行賄) offer bribes. (3) Calm down, restrain, keep under control: 納定性子 keep one's temper under control; 按納不住 cannot check or restrain. (4) Enjoy: 納褔 enjoy the blessings of life; 納涼 cool oneself on a hot day, (lit.) enjoy the cool air. (5) Sew, stitch: 納鞋底 (var. of 衲), stitch layers of cloth to make cloth sole of shoes.
| Words | 1. 納罕(兒) [na4han3] ([na4ha3er0]), v.i., be surprised, admire (s. t.) as unusual. 2. 納悶 [na4men4], v. i., be vexed or bored, moody: 獨自在家納悶 shut oneself up at home, gloomy and sullen; 納悶兒 being suspicious of s. t. 3. 納粹 [na4zui4], n., Nazi (party); 納粹化 Nazification; 納粹主義 Nazism.