释义 |
寬寬 | 930C45 62.70-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄎㄨㄢ [kuan1] | V.i. | (1) To be lenient, to extend limits: 寬限 extend date (of delivery, etc.); 寬免,寬宥,寬恕,寬假,寬容 [kuan1mian3], [kuan1you4], [kuan1shu4], [kuan1jia3], [kuan1rong2]↓. (2) To relax: 寬衣 to take off coat or gown-invitation to do so on hot day; 寬心 to relax, see [kuan1xin1]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Broad, wide (of room, clothing): 寬大,寬闊 [kuan1da4], [kuan1kuo4]↓. (2) Broad-minded, liberal: 寬宏大量 generous. (3) Lenient, kind: 寬政 liberal policies.
| Words | 1. 寬敞: [kuan1chang3], adj., (of building, clothing) broad, spacious. 2. 寬綽 [kuan1chuo1], adj., (1) spacious; (2) liberal, generous; (3) well-to-do, generous with money. 3. 寬大 [kuan1da4], adj., generous, big-hearted. 4. 寬貸 [kuan1dai4], v.t., to allow delay of payment of debt, pardon, forgive. 5. 寬厚 [kuan1hou4], adj., (of person) generous, kind. 6. 寬窄 [kuan1zhai3], n., width (of room, clothing, etc.). 7. 寬假 [kuan1jia3], (1) phr., to allow extension of leave; (2) v.t., to forgive, see [kuan1mian3]↓. 8. 寬闊 [kuan1kuo4], adj., spacious. 9. 寬免 [kuan1mian3], v.t., to forgive (taxes), to pardon (offense). 10. 寬容 [kuan1rong2], (1) adj., tolerant, charitable: 寬容政策 a tolerant policy; (2) v.t., to pardon (offenses, person). 11. 寬限 [kuan1xian4], v.i., defer time limit; v.i., 寬限日 n., days of grace. 12. 寬心 [kuan1xin1], adj., relaxed, not worried: 寬心丸兒 a joke, a story told to make people relax. 13. 寬恕 [kuan1shu4], (1) v.t., to pardon (person, misdemeanor); (2) adj., tolerant, indulgent (policy). 14. 寬慰 [kuan1wei4], v.i. & t., to comfort (person); to feel less worried. 15. 寬宥 [kuan1you4], v.t., see [kuan1mian3]↑. 16. 寬裕 [kuan1yU4], adj., well-to-do: 手頭寬裕 with plenty of money to spend.