

ㄊㄧㄢ [tian1
N.(1)  The sky, heaven: 空 the sky, aerial space;
上 in the sky above;
底下 all under heaven, the world over;
大的事情 a tremendous event;
無二日 only one supreme ruler, as “there is only one sun in heaven”;
字第一號 “A-1,” the very best;
oft. coupled with 地 (the earth) in phrr.: [tian1di4]1↓;
長地久 as long as the heaven and earth endure;
公地道 the most natural and fair arrangement;
翻地覆 turned completely upside down (of disasters, confusion);
南地北, 懸地隔 (of friends) separated far apart;
不識高地厚 (of child) do not know what is what;
崩地裂 natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides;
網恢恢 God's justice is inescapable;
羅地網 (of Taoist demons’ magic) an invisible net preventing all escape;
聾地啞 completely unmindful of anything, like one deaf and dumb.
(2)  Nature, what is given by nature, esp. 然 see [tian1ran2]↓: 資,賦,成,[tian1zi1]2, [tian1fu4]2, [tian1cheng2], [tian1xing4]2↓;
年 man's natural span of life;
造地設 (of natural scenery) made by nature;
作之合 (marriage) made in heaven;
衣無縫 (of art, master piece in fiction) completely natural, without artifice;
經地義 what is most appropriate, ordained in nature (moral obligations, eternal priciples, etc.);
聽由命 resign to one’s fate or God's will, be fatalistic;
吃飯 have no regular income, live by what one can find.
(3)  God, the supreme ruler, the celestial spirits: 老爺 Father Heaven;
后土 (prayer to) Ye Gods! heavenly father and mother earth;
堂,[tian1tang2], [tian1guo2]↓;
怒人怨 the gods are angry and the people resentful;
尤人 blame everybody but oneself;
無法無 completely lawless and Godless, licentious;
不怕,地不怕 fear neither God nor men;
之驕子 “the chosen of God,” an unusually blessed or lucky person, God's favored one, (a tint of sarcasm in Chin. usage.);
used coll. like Eng. “God”: 啊,哪 O God! good heavens! 我的 oh, my God! 老爺 oh, God! 曉得 God knows (nobody knows);
可憐見 how pitiful! 誅地滅 may the gods strike (him) down!
(4)  A day: 今,明,昨 today, tomorrow, yesterday;
過兩 in two or three days;
前幾 a few days ago;
,一到晚 all day;
大白 in broad daylight.
(5)  Season, weather: 春,夏,秋,冬 spring, summer, autumn, winter;
三伏 hottest summer days;
黃梅 rainy season in spring;
clear day, 晴了 it is clear now;
朗氣清 it is clear and dry;
,陰 rainy, cloudy day;
,大熱 hot, very hot day;
熱了 it has become hot;
冷了 it has become cold;
變了,變了 the weather has changed;
亮了 it is dawn;
五更 at early dawn;
明 early dawn, daybreak;
黑 at dusk, twilight;
昏地暗 it is dark, overcast, like night.
(6)  N. & adj., emperor, imperial, of the emperor: 子 the Son of Heaven, Emperor;
朝 the Celestial Court (formerly, used in communication with foreign countries);
恩 the emperor's grace;
顏 His Imperial presence;
闕 imperial court.
(7)  The most important thing in life: 民以食為 food is next to God for the people;
王者以民為 a king's life depends upon the people.
(8)  Husband: 失其所 lost her husband.
Words1. [tian1biao3], n., beyond heaven, beyond the skies.
2. [tian1bian4], n., natural calamities; change of weather: 變了 it's going to rain.
3. 邊(兒) [tian1bian1] ([er0]), n., beyond the horizon: 邊海角 far beyond, in distant places.
4. [tian1bing3], n., native endowments.
5. [tian1bing1], n., (1) (Taoist) celestial troops; (2) formerly, imperial troops.
6. [tian1chan3], n., local product, land product.
7. [tian1chao3], n., imperial court.
8. [tian1cheng2], adj., natural, springing from nature: 成佳偶 a good match as if made in heaven; 文章本成 good writing is completely like nature.
9. [tian1qian3], adj., God's punishment.
10. [tian1qian4], n., natural barrier for defense (such as wide river).
11. [tian1qiao2], n., (1) overpass at railways; (2) anc. scaffolding for attacking city walls.
12. [tian1qi4], n., the day's weather.
13. [tian1qing1], n., (of brocades, etc.) dark wine color.
14. [tian1chuang1], n., skylight: 打開窗說亮話 to be quite frank.
15. [tian1qU4], n., beauty of natural objects or phenomena.
16. [tian1qU2], n., formerly, busy thoroughfares of the capital.
17. [tian1dao4], n., God’s way, divine order of things, spiritual principles: 道好還 God's way goes in a cycle; (dial.) the weather.
18. [tian1di4]1, n., (1) heaven and earth, the universe, the world: 地間 in the whole world; 小地 a little world in itself; 兒童地 the child's world; 別有地 a different world, a utopia; (2) the upper and lower margins of a scroll.
19. [tian1di4]2, n., Celestial Ruler (appellation of Taoist gods).
20. [tian1ding4], adj., predetermined, predestined.
21. 底下 [tian1di3xia4], phr., under the sun; in the world.
22. [tian1e2], n., the swan.
23. 方夜譚 [tian1fang1ye4tan2], n., Arabian Nights.
24. [tian1fen4] ([tian1fen0]), n., born gifts, talent; 分甚高 has high intelligence.
25. [tian1fu4]1, n., (Christ.) God the Father.
26. [tian1fu4]2, n., natural gifts.
27. [tian1fu3], n., self-sufficient region, with natural defense against invaders: 府之國 a country with rich natural resource--a name given to 四川.
28. [tian1gan1], n., the decimal cycle, 甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己,庚,辛,壬,癸, used as serial number like A, B, C, D--see Appendix A.
29. [tian1guang1], n., daylight.
30. [tian1gui3], n., menstruation.
31. [tian1gong1]1, n., nature's work, said in praise of great art: 巧奪工 it rivals nature.
32. [tian1gong1]2, n., heavenly abode of the gods.
33. [tian1guo2], n., (Christ.) the Kingdom of Heaven.
34. [tian1gu3], n., (rare, LL) thunder.
35. [tian1he2], n., the Milky Way (also called 銀河,漢).
36. [tian1hua1], n., (1) smallpox; (2) (Budd.) flowers dropped from the sky; 花亂墜 said of extravagant talk; 花板 ceiling.
37. [tian1huang2], n., (LL) royal descendants.
38. [tian1huo3], n., fire from heaven, said of houses stuck by lightning.
39. [tian1zhen1], adj., innocent, nae, frank, gen. showing traits of children: 你太真了 you are too nae, believe too much in people's words.
40. [tian1ji1], n., hidden plans of providence: 不可洩漏機 (a seer) may not reveal what is coming or decree of God; the secret springs of nature, such as divine inspiration.
41. [tian1jie4], n., born teetotaler.
42. [tian1jing3], n., courtyard, a small yard; air shaft.
43. [tian1jin1], n., Tientsin, a port city.
44. [tian1jiu3], n., game of dominoes.
45. [tian1zhu2], n., anc. term for India.
46. 竺桂 [tian1zhu2gui4], n., a kind of cinnamon, Cinnamonum pedunculatum.
47. [tian1zhu3], n., Catholic term for God: 主教 Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; 主(教)堂 cathedral.
48. [tian1zhi2], n., man’s natural duty: 國民的職 a citizen's natural duty.
49. [tian1kong1], n., the sky, outer space.
50. [tian1lai4], n., sounds of nature (whistlig of winds, etc.).
51. [tian1lan2], n., pale blue, skyblue.
52. [tian1liang2], n., conscience.
53. [tian1li3], n., Nature’s law: 理昭彰 God's law is manifest, i.e., evil is punished; n., 理不容 intolerable, injustice; 沒有理 unscrupulous, lawless, a law to oneself, unreasonable.
54. 靈蓋 [tian1ling2gai4], n., the crown of the head.
55. 祿 [tian1lu4], n., (1) a fabulous creature in anc. sculptures; (2) anc. idea of official rank in heaven.
56. [tian1lun2], n., the natural bonds and relationships of men, esp. the bonds of family: 倫之樂 the happiness of family reunion, happy home.
57. 門冬 [tian1men2dong1], n., (bot.) Asparagus lucidus.
58. [tian1ming4], n., fate, destiny, God's will: 受之命 divine mandate, a king rules by the grace of God.
59. [tian1mu4], n., awning over open space; painted backdrop of stage, indicating open space.
60. 南星 [tian1nan2xing1], n., (bot.) jack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema serratum.
61. [tian1niu2], n., a class of beetles with very long feelers, Apriona rugicollis.
62. [tian1pao4chuang1], n., (med.) pemphigus, an infection with blisters on skin.
63. [tian1peng2], n., awning of cloth or bamboo.
64. [tian1](')[ping2], n., weighing scales.
65. [tian1rang3], n.,as in 壤之別 wide difference (as distance between the sky and the earth).
66. [tian1ran2], adj. & adv., natural, not artificial; naturally, of course.
67. [tian1ren2], n., (1) nature and man: 人合一 theory that man is integral part of nature; (2) a celestial being, an extraordinary beauty.
68. [tian1ri4], n., daylight; 重見日 release after imprisonment or great injustice; 不見日 living in darkness or dark oppression.
69. [tian1se4], n., time of the day, as judged by color of sky: 色已晚 it is getting dark.
70. [tian1sheng1], adj., born: 生才子 born great artist, a genius.
71. [tian1shen2], n., celestial spirit.
72. [tian1xian3], n., natural defense, such as high mountains, cliffs, etc.
73. [tian1xia4], n., the world: 今日的下 the world today; 下的人 all people in the world; anciently used to denote China.
74. [tian1xian4], n., antenna.
75. [tian1xiang4], n., natural phenomena, esp. in the skies; the heavenly bodies.
76. [tian1xian1], n., fairy: 美若仙 beautiful like a fairy; n., 仙果 [tian1xian1guo3], n., (bot.) a kind of fig, Ficus erecta.
77. [tian1xiang1], n., as in 國色香 woman of great beauty; n., 香百合 [tian1xiang1bai2he2], n., (bot.) gold band lily, Lilium auratum.
78. [tian1xing4]1, n., rare luck.
79. [tian1xing4]2, n., human nature, disposition (of wolves, foxes, villains, heroes, etc.).
80. [tian1shu1], n., (1) Taoist writings; (2) imperial edict.
81. [tian1shu4], n., predestination.
82. [tian1shi1], n., Taoist master.
83. [tian1shi2], n., weather.
84. 使 [tian1shi3], n., angel.
85. [tian1suan4], n., short for 文算術 astronomy and mathematics.
86. [tian1tang2], n., heaven in religious sense.
87. [tian1tiao2], n., the laws of God in heaven.
88. [tian1ti3], n., (1)heavenly body; (2) the nude: 體運動 nudist movement; 體營 nudist colony.
89. [tian1ting2], n., (1) the forehead: 庭飽滿 a full forehead; n., (2) anc., the imperial court.
90. [tian1cai2], n., (1) natural talent, aptitude; (2) genius, very brilliant person.
91. [tian1can2], n., a wild species of silkworm.
92. [tian1cao2], n., celestial officials.
93. [tian1zai1], n., natural calamity; act of God.
94. [tian1ze2], n., natural selection in evolution: 物競擇 survival of the fittest in natural selection.
95. [tian1zong4], adj., as in 縱之才 heroes, sages, especially gifted leaders of men.
96. [tian1zun1], n., (Taoism) god, spirit.
97. [tian1zu2], n., unbound, “natural” feet.
98. 姿 [tian1zi1]1, n., beauty of looks.
99. [tian1zi1]2, n., person's natural endowment or intelligence (high, low).
100. [tian1zi3], n., “the Son of Heaven,” designation of emperor.
101. 王星 [tian1wang2xing1], n., (astron.) Uranus.
102. [tian1wen2], n., science of astronomy; n., 文鏡 [tian1wen2jing4], n., telescope; n., 文臺 [tian1wen2tai2], n., astronomical observatory.
103. [tian1yan3], n., theory of evolution.
104. [tian1yan1], n., naturally impotent person.
105. [tian1ya2], n., the limits of the earth: 涯海角 the four corners of the earth.
106. [tian1yi4], n., god's will.
107. [tian1yUan1], n., as in 淵之別 great difference, as the sky is separated from ocean depths, see [tian1rang3]↑.
108. [tian1yUan2]1, n., anc. Chin. algebra.
109. [tian1yUan2]2, n., predestined friendship or marriage; predestination.
110. [tian1yU3], n., the sky; the whole world; the capital of country.





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