

ㄉㄨㄛ [duo1 (*ㄉㄨㄛˊ [duo2).
N.(1)  Much, plenty: 三福,壽,男子) plenty of luck, children and a long life.
(2)  A surname.
V.i.Exceed a number: 了三個 three more than listed or expected;
come as surplus: 下來,出(來), see [duo1yU2]↓.
Adj. & adv.(1)  Much or many (in Chin. not distinguished) opp. 少 [shao3]: [duo1shao3]↓;
,很,許 very many (much);
too many (much);
是,係 (as adv.) mostly are;
有 mostly have;
次 many times;
年朋友 friend of many years;
管閒事 like to meddle in affairs;
愁善感 prone to illness and melancholy;
難 dogged with misfortunes and mishaps;
好事磨 the course of love (or other worthy projects) seldom runs smooth;
見 widely experienced;
聞闕疑 (Confu.) be well-informed and suspend judgment on things in doubt;
藝 versatile;
財善賈 (pr. [gu3]) it's easy to do business when you have the capital;
此一舉 carry coal to Newcastle, superfluous action.
(2)  (AC) better: 孰 which is better.
(3)  Demonstrably: 見其不知量也 just shows how much be overrates himself.
Adv.(1)  In 得 after vb. or adj., much: 好得 much better;
難得 much more difficult;
病好了 the sickness is much better.
(2)  (*[duo2]) How (as exclamation or question): 大 how big? or how big! 久,長,遠 how much time, how long, how far (? or !);
沒出息 how useless (of person)! 不要臉 how shameless;
麼,會兒 [duo1mo0], [duo1hui0er0]↓.
Words1. (兒) [duo1bao3ge2]([er0]), n., curio stand with many sections.
2. [duo1ban4], adj. & adv., most, mostly, the greater half.
3. [duo1ban1], adv., in so many ways.
4. 妻制 [duo1qi1zhi4], n., polygamy; cf. [duo1fu1zhi4]↓.
5. [duo1qing2], adj., greatly enamored; warm (friend): 情種子 a great lover.
6. [duo1duan1], adv., in many ways, on many occasions (create trouble).
7. [duo1duo1], adv., a great deal: 請你指教 I welcome a great deal of advice; 益善 the more, the better.
8. [duo1fang1], adv., see [duo1duan1]↑.
9. 夫制 [duo1fu1zhi4], n., polyandry.
10. [duo1gua3], n., number, frequency (LL for vern. [duo1shao3]↓): 戶口之寡 density or number of population.
11. [duo1gu4], phr., (LL) 國家故 many troubles, crises, in the nation.
12. 會兒 *[duo2hui0er0], adv., when, see [duo1er0], [duo1zan0]↓.
13. 角形 [duo1jiao3xing2], n. & adj., polygon, -al.
14. [duo1kui1], adv., luckily: 虧他來了 luckily he came.
15. [duo1er0], adv., (1) how much: 兒錢 how much does it cost? (2) in little while: 打兒就要來看你 will soon come to see you, see [duo1zao0wa3er0]↓.
16. [duo1liang4], adv., in great quantities: 量收入 great income.
17. [duo1li3], adj., overcourteous.
18. 面體 [duo1mian4ti3], n., polyhedron, form with many angles or sides.
19. 麼 *[duo2mo0], adv., how (exclam. or question): 麼好 how good (? or !); 麼難受,可憐 how embarrassed, pitiful!
20. [duo1shao3], adv. & adj. & n., (1) more or less: 少有關係 more or less related; also 少少; (2) how much: 少錢 how much does it cost? or how much money? 少歲 how old (is a person); 剩了少 how much is left? 不知埋沒少英雄好漢 has prevented the emergence of I do not know how many heroes.
21. 神教 [duo1shen2jiao4], n., polytheism.
22. 相制 [duo1xiang4zhi4], n., (phys.) polyphase system of electric current.
23. 項式 [duo1xian4shi4], n., (math.) polynomial or multinomial.
24. [duo1xian2], v.t., dislike (person).
25. [duo1xie4], phr., many thanks.
26. [duo1xin1], adj., distrustful, oversensitive (to remarks).
27. [duo1shu4], n., most, greater part or number: 數的人不贊成 the majority oppose it; 沉默的數 the silent majority.
28. [duo1shi4], adj., troublesome, meddling: 事之秋 year of many troubles; meddlesome; 不必你事,你真事 you can well stay out.
29. [duo1tou2], n., usu. in 做頭 (stock exchange) one who buys up stocks, a bull, bullish.
30. 采(彩)姿 [duo1cai3duo1zi1], adj., magnificent, impressive, many-faceted (personality, performance).
31. [duo1ci4], adv., many times.
32. 咱 *[duo2zan0], adv., when (can you finish, etc.?) (possibly short for 早晚兒 [duo2zao0wa3er0]↓), also wr. 喒,偺.
33. 早晚兒 *[duo2zao0wa3er0], adv., when (can you come, etc.?); soon, in a short time: 早晚兒就來.
34. [duo1zui3], v.i., talk too much or out of place.
35. 足類 [duo1zu2lei4], n., (zoo.) myriapod.
36. [duo1yi2], adj., distrustful, prone to suspect.
37. 元論 [duo1yUan2lun4], n., pluralism.
38. [duo1yU2] ([duo1yU0]), n. & adj., surplus, leftover, more than what is due: 你這話是餘了 what you say is uncalled for or not necessary.





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