释义 |
妄妄 | 836A55 60.93 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄨㄤˋ [wang4] | Adj. & adv. | Absurd, -ly, preposterous, -ly, outrageous: 妄證 false witness; 妄斷 jump to a conclusion; 狂妄 reckless, rash; 妄口巴舌 blasphemous talk; 妄自尊大 self-conceited, with exaggerated opinion of oneself; 不可妄自菲薄 don't undervalue yourself.
| Words | 1. 妄人 [wang4ren2], n.,(severe condemnation, yet quite litr.) preposterous or conceited person, self-opinionated imbecile. 2. 妄想 [wang4xiang3], v.i. & t., indulge in wild or unjustified hope, fancies. 3. 妄作 [wang4zuo4], v.i., act wildly, foolishly or illegally. 4. 妄為 [wang4wei2], v.i., as in 膽大妄為 act in foolhardy manner. 5. 妄言 [wang4yan2], (1) n., foolish or baseless talk; (2) phr., 姑妄言之 just talk for talking's sake; phr., 妄言妄聽 don't take it too seriously. 6. 妄庸 [wang4yong1], adj., (person) very common and somewhat conceited.