释义 |
壓壓 | 756C15 51A.11-4 | 部居
| 畫數 17 | ㄧㄚ [ya1] . [Abbr. ] | N. | Pressure: 氣壓 air pressure; 血壓 blood pressure; 水壓 water pressure, cf. 壓力 [ya1li4]↓.
| V.t. | (1) To press down, (fig.) suppress by force: 壓下去 press down; 壓倒 [ya1dao3]↓; 壓住 [ya1zhu4]↓; 壓得住,壓不住[ya1de0zhu4], [ya1bu0zhu4]↓; 壓驚 [ya1jing1]↓; 壓迫,壓伏(壓服)[ya1po4], [ya1fu0]↓; 高壓政策 highhanded policy, policy of force; 鎮壓,彈壓 to squelch riot, rebellion; 壓氣兒 [ya1qie4er0]↓. (2) To crush, flatten: 壓扁,壓平 to flatten; 壓破,壓碎 crush to pieces; 壓實 press solid; 壓緊 compress tightly; 壓塌 collapse under pressure. (3) To pile up, come near: 壓肩疊背 of a huge crowd standing shoulder to shoulder; 壓山兒 (the sun) is setting near the horizon; 壓境 (of army) threaten the border. (4) To rank first, to supervise from behind: 壓倒一切 excel all the rest in examinations; 壓卷 [ya1jUan4]↓; 壓隊 [yadui4]↓; 壓寨夫人 see [ya1zhai4]↓; 壓陣 to stabilize battle formation; 壓後 to act as rear guard. (5) To shelve, delay answering: 這件案子先壓幾天 shelve this case for a few days. (6) (Callig.) press brush from the right with index finger.
| Words | 1. 壓寶 [ya1bao3], n., a gambling or guessing game; orig. with a coin (寶) under a bowl, now played with dice. 2. 壓不住 [ya1bu0zhu4] v.i., (1) cannot keep under control; (2) unworthy to bear the honor or responsibility; see [ya1de0zhu0]↓. 3. 壓車 [ya1che1], v.i., to go with cart personally as a supervisor during transportation (also wr. 押). 4. 壓氣兒 [ya1qie4er0], v.i., to calm down anger. 5. 壓倒 [ya1dao3], v.t., to excel (competitors) in literature and contests; v.i., be crushed down, overwhelming victory. 6. 壓得住 [ya1de0zhu4], v.i., be able to undertake task or responsibility; can keep down (anger, etc.). 7. 壓隊 [ya1dui4], v.i., to bring up the rear and supervise. 8. 壓伏(服) [ya1fu0], v.t., to vanquish, to subdue by force. 9. 壓根兒 [ya1ge1er0], adv., (Peking coll. also [ya4ge1er0]) in the first place, to start with (did not like study, etc.). 10. 壓榨 [ya1zha4], v.t., to crush by weight: 壓榨機 n., compressor. 11. 壓寨 [ya1zhai4], phr., 壓寨夫人 bandit chief's wife. 12. 壓鎮 [ya1zhen4], v.t., to suppress (also 鎮壓). 13. 壓驚 [ya1jing1], v.i., (med.) to becalm nerves after a shock. 14. 壓冑子 [ya1zhou4zi0], n., (Chin. theater) next to last play on program (also wr. 壓軸子): 壓軸好戲 (lit. & fig.) best show. 15. 壓住 [ya1zhu4], v.t., to suppress, keep down by force. 16. 壓桌 [ya1zhuo1], n., (1) hors d'oeuvres; (2) (facet.) person last to leave table. 17. 壓制 [ya1zhi4], v.t., to suppress. 18. 壓卷 [ya1jUan4], n., the top-ranking examination paper. 19. 壓力 [ya1li4], n., force of pressure; 壓力衣 pressure suit (astron.); 壓力表 manometer, pressure gauge. 20. 壓派 [ya1pai0], v.t., (coll.) to blame (others). 21. 壓迫 [ya1po4], v.t., to oppress (workers, weak country, etc.). 22. 壓線 [ya1xian4], v.i., (LL allu.) be kept busy on other’s account, (like a seamstress making gold braids for other's wedding dress). 23. 壓碎 [ya1sui4]1, v.t., to crush to pieces. 24. 壓歲 [ya1sui4]2, v.i., to give New Year gift to children as token wish for a good year: 壓歲錢. 25. 壓縮性 [ya1suo1xing4], n., (phys.) compressibility. 26. 壓子息 [ya1zi0xi2], phr., to adopt child from another clan in the hope that it may lead to birth of one's own child. 27. 壓載 [ya1zai4], n., ship's ballast. 28. 壓尾 [ya1wei3], v.i., to stand last (also wr. 押). 29. 壓抑 [ya1yi4], v.t., to suppress, keep down. 30. 壓韻 [ya1yUn4], v.i., see 押韻 10A.22.