释义 |
藝藝 | 293B00 20A.93-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄧˋ [yi4] . [Anc. var.埶] | N. | (1) Art, fine arts, skill: 藝術 [yi4shu4]↓; 文藝 literature, literary art: 六藝 60.80; 手藝 handicraft; 工藝 artisan's craft; 園藝 horticulture; 技藝 technical skill. (2) (AC) horticulture.
| Words | 1. 藝妓 [yi4ji4], n., (Japan) geisha, girl artist of song and dance. 2. 藝林 [yi4lin2], n., the fine arts; the artistic and literary circles; a collection of creative works. 3. 藝名 [yi4ming2], n., artist's stage name. 4. 藝能 [yi4neng2], n., artistic ability. 5. 藝人 [yi4ren2], n., artist. 6. 藝術 [yi4shu4], n., art, creative art (sculpture, music, poetry, architecture, etc.); 藝術家 an artist. 7. 藝徒 [yi4tu2], n., apprentice, artisan. 8. 藝文 [yi4wen2], n., literature and the arts. 9. 藝苑 [yi4yUan4], n., see [yi4lin2]↑. 10. 藝員 [yi4yUan2], n., artisan, any member of artistic profession.