释义 |
增增 | 200C00 11A.41-8 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄗㄥ [zeng1] | V.i. & t. | Add to, increase: 增加 [zeng1jia1]↓; 增減 add or subtract; 增多 become more numerous; 增補 fill up gaps, supply deficiencies; 增福 be more blessed; 增壽 have a longer span of life, enjoy longevity; 增德 grow in moral stature; 增價 hike prices; 增高 become taller, heighten; 增援 reinforce troops; 增兵 send reinforcements; 增強 strengthen; 增大 enlarge, expand; 增廣 broaden, extend; 增刪 add and delete; 倍增 to double in amount; 突增 increase all of a sudden.
| Words | 1. 增產 [zeng1chan3], v.i., to boost (industrial, agricultural) production. 2. 增光 [zeng1guang1], v.i., add honor, glory, luster. 3. 增長 [zeng1zhang3], v.i. & t., grow (in size, bulk), become larger; wax, thrive; to increase (knowledge, experience). 4. 增加 [zeng1jia1], v.i. & t., to increase (burden, responsibility, appropriations), add to (expenses, worries, pleasures); (populations) increase. 5. 增進 [zeng1jin4], v.i. & t., develop (skills, technical know-how); cultivate (friendship), improve (relations, mutual understanding). 6. 增值 [zeng1zhi2]1, v.i., to increase in value: 土地增值稅 land increment tax. 7. 增殖 [zeng1zhi2]2, v.i., propagate, procreate, reproduce. 8. 增刊 [zeng1kan1], n., a (weekly, literary) supplement of newspaper. 9. 增損 [zeng1sun3], v.t., to increase or decrease, add or subtract. 10. 增添 [zeng1tian1], v.t., =增加 [zeng1jia1]↑. 11. 增益 [zeng1yi4], v.i., add s.t. more to the original stock.