释义 |
露露 | 512B35 31D.40-4 | 部居
| 畫數 21 | ㄌㄨˋ [lu4] | N. | (1) Dew: 雨露之恩 (poet.) gracious favors; 甘露 sweet dew which nourishes plants. (2) Essence, fruit juice: 花露水 eau de cologne; 玫瑰露 rose essence, rose wine; 杏仁露 essence of almond, etc. (3) A surname.
| V.t. | To leak out, expose, to bare to view: 露臉,露面,露頭兒 show one’s face: 永不露臉 never show one's face (in public); 露相 (兒) ditto; 露骨 [lu4gu3]↓; 露苗 sprout shows; 露 (兒) secret (lit. “stuffing”) is exposed; 露馬腳 (a flaw, a lie) unintentionally shows, is exposed; 露齒而笑 laugh openly, grin.
| Adj. & adv. | Bare, open, in open air: 露天 [lu4tian1]↓; 露宿 pass night in the open: 風餐露宿 exposed to cold and wet (wind and dew) on a journey; 露立 stand in the open; 露臺 [lu4tai2]↓.
| Words | 1. 露白 [lou4bai2], phr., (of traveller) reveal silver in pocket or luggage. 2. 露布 [lu4bu4], n., (1) an unsealed letter; (2) announcement of victory. 3. 露點 [lu4dian3], n., (phys.) dew-point temperature. 4. 露兜樹 [lu4dou1shu4], n. a kind of palm, Pandanus odoratissimus. 5. 露骨 [lu4gu3], (1) phr., to have corpse exposed; (2) adj. (of criticism, etc.) blunt, overt, make no bones about s.t. 6. 露珠 [lu4zhu1], n., dewdrops. 7. 露水 [lu4shui3], n., dew: 露水夫妻 phr., man and woman not married, meeting secretly (at night in the open). 8. 露臺 [lu4tai2], n., open terrace. 9. 露天 [lu4tian1], adj. & adv., openair, outdoor, in the open, unsheltered (theater, movie, concert). 10. 露營 [lu4ying2], n. camp in the open.