

ㄗㄞˋ [zai4
V.i. & t.(1)  V.i., exist, live, remain: 存 (主義) exist (-entialism);
那兒 stay (remain) there;
be alive or dead, at home or not;
世 (of persons) live;
堂 (of parents) remain alive;
父母 both parents are living;
室 (of women) be not yet married.
(2)  V.t., be at, in, on: 上 is above;
桌上 is on the table;
桌下 is under the table;
其中 is in the middle;
外,[zai4wai4], [zai4nei4]↓;
下位而不憂 not sorry for being placed in a subordinate position;
家出家 one who, though retaining family ties, observes all the monastic rules;
官言官 from the strictly official point of view;
朝 (of politicians) be in power;
野 (of politicians) be in opposition: 野黨 the Opposition, a minority political party;
位 (of a monarch) to reign (“on the throne”): 位五十年 reigned for 50 years;
職 be in active service;
學 attend school;
望 within sight, within reach;
福中不知福 unmindful of the happy life one is blessed with;
劫難逃 impossible to escape.
(3)  (Importance, meaning) lies in, rests in: 事情關鍵此 the crux of the matter is this;
止於至善 (it) lies in the attainment of moral perfection.
(4)  Be in a certain condition (in the act of): 逃 be at large;
押 in custody;
握 in hand;
手 ditto;
喪 in mourning.
(5)  Be present: 場 be present at the scene;
座 be among the audience.
(6)  Be in certain category of class: 所不免 is (one of those things) unavoidable;
所不究 is (in the class) forgivable, will not be prosecuted;
不可知之數 is one of those things that are yet uncertain.
Prep.(1)  In: 夢中 in a dream;
夜裡 in the evening (night);
某種情況之下 in a certain circumstance.
(2)  According to: 你 (我) 看 from you (my) point of view, as you (I) see it.
Words1. [zai4an4], phr., (case) is the subject of a previous communication; (person) is on the police record.
2. [zai4bang1], phr., be a member of a secret society.
3. [zai4chen2], phr., be in financial straits (allu. to the story of Confucius suffering from food shortage in the country of Chern).
4. [zai4qi2], phr., be a member of a Manchu “banner”--one of the army corps that conquered China and their descendants.
5. [zai4chu4], adv., everywhere.
6. [zai4gong1], v.i. & adj., (LL) (be) on duty: 夙夜公 attend office morning and night.
7. [zai4hang2], adj., experienced, adept, conversant.
8. [zai4hou4], adv., behind; later on.
9. [zai4hu4] ([zai4hu0]), (1) v.t., (importance, etc.) lie in, rest with: 這個人的長處,就乎他肯說老實話 this man's strength lies in his readiness to tell the truth; (2) v.i., be interested; v.i., 不乎 not concerned: 他滿不乎 he is totally unconcerned.
10. [zai4jia1]., (1) n., (Budd.) live at home, not in monastery (opp. 出家 one who has left home and become a monk or nun); (2) adv., at home.
11. [zai4jiao4], phr., be a believer in Islamism.
12. [zai4jiu4], v.i. & adj., (AC) (be) in bereavement.
13. [zai4ji2], adj., forthcoming, fast approaching: 考試即 examinations are near at hand.
14. [zai4jU3], phr., living in exile (as a political refugee) allu. to the story of 齊桓公 biding his time at Jyuu.
15. 理兒 [zai4lie1er0], n., a member of a 17th cen. secret semi-religious society (理教) dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu Dyn.
16. [zai4li3], phr., according to reason.
17. [zai1nei4], adj., included: 小賬內 tips included.
18. [zai4shan1], adj., newly bereaved of father or mother.
19. [zai4xia4], (1) adv., below; (2) pron., I, your humble servant.
20. [zai4xian1], adv., (1) beforehand; (2) formerly, previously.
21. [zai4xin1], v.i. & adj., (be) attentive, alert, on the watch.
22. [zai1xi2], adv., once upon a time, formerly, in former times, in times past.
23. [zai4shi4], v.i., be in charge (of s.t.).
24. [zai4zai4], adv., everywhere, in all directions.
25. [zai4wai4], adj. & adv., (1) outside; (2) away from home; (3) excluded: 小賬外 excluding tips.
26. [zai4yi4], v.i. & adj., (be) careful, attentive: 不意 not concerned.





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