释义 |
虧虧 | 338A45 21S.50-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄎㄨㄟ [kui1] | N. & v.i. | Loss, deficit; to fall short, suffer loss, run into deficit: 虧欠,虧損,虧折 [kui1qian4], [kui1sun3], [kui1zhe2], etc.↓; 吃虧 suffer loss in transaction, be short-changed.
| Adj. | (1) Short, deficient, not enough to meet normal needs: 腎虧 a run-down kidney, (med.) sexual debility; 血虧 blood deficiency, anemia; 身子虧了,虛虧 general debility; 心虧 uneasy in conscience; 功虧一簣 (of task, work) just fall short of final completion. (2) Waning, declining: 月虧 moon in partially shaded phase, waning; 盈虧 wax and wane, also (business) profit and loss.
| Adv. | (1) Luckily: 多虧,幸虧 luckily; 多虧你幫忙 thanks to your help; 虧得是你 luckily it is you (and not s.o. else); 虧殺 very luckily, owing greatly to. (2) In mocking sense: 虧你 you, of all people: 虧你受教育的人,還說出這種話 shame on you, an educated person to say such a thing; 虧得他說得出口 he has the cheek to say it (other people would not).
| Words | 1. 虧本(兒) [kui1ben3]([kui1beeer0]), v.i., to suffer loss in business. 2. 虧欠 [kui1qian4], (1) n., deficit; (2) v.i., to owe debts in arrears; (3) to go bankrupt, see [kui1zhe2]↓. 3. 虧短 [kui1duan3], v.i., short of due amount. 4. 虧負 [kui1fu0], n. & v.i. & t., (1) be deficient in friendship or duties, not quite fair to (person) (cf. 辜負 10.10); (2) to owe (amount, person). 5. 虧耗 [kui1hao4], v.i. & n., to lose money, esp. from extravagant expenditures; such a loss. 6. 虧折 [kui1zhe2], v.i. & n., (1) suffer(-ing) loss of capital; (2) to fail in business without owing debts. 7. 虧空 [kui1kong0], n. & v.i., loss in business; be short of (amount); 虧空公款 to embezzle, embezzlement. 8. 虧累 [kui1lei3], v.t., to involve (others) in loss. 9. 虧心 [kui1xin1], v.i. & adj., be remorseful; unconscionable, ungrateful; 虧心人 ungrateful person; 虧心事 ungrateful, unconscionable act. 10. 虧蝕 [kui1shi2], n. & v.i., (1) financial loss; to lose (in business); (2) eclipse of sun or moon. 11. 虧損 [kui1sun3], n. & v.i., loss in business.