释义 |
世世 | 310C20 21.21 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄕˋ [shi4] | N. | (1) A generation, defined in AC as 30 years: 五世其昌 prosper for five generations; 後世 future generations, posterity; 先世 ancestors or their times. (2) An incarnation or one life: 今世 the present life; 一世 all one's life; 塵世 the material or worldly life; 來世 future life or incarnation; 出世,入世 (philosophy of) leaving or joining secular life; (religion) other worldliness or active interest in worldly affairs; 世外桃源 a Utopia, beautiful retreat. (3) This world: 世間,世界 [shi4jian1], [shi4jie4]↓; 世上 in this world; 名聞於世 world-famous; 世人 people of this world; 舉世 the whole world; 世運 [shi4yUn4]↓; 蓋世 world distinguished; 世無其匹 unrivalled in the world; 一世之雄 a hero of the world. (4) Epoch, era: 世代 [shi4dai4]↓; 世紀 [shi4ji4]↓; 近世 modern times or era; 中世 middle period, Middle Ages; 末世 fin de siecle, latter part, latter days; 亂世,盛世 chaotic, peaceful times, restless, prosperous period; 當世 contemporary, of those times. (5) Experience of human society: 世道日衰 the ways of the world go from bad to worse; 世態炎涼 fickleness of human friendships (“blow hot and cold”); 世風日下 the world is declining in its moral values; 人情世故 the ways of the world; 世故,世俗 [shi4gu4], [shi4su2]↓; 世面,世情 [shi4mian4], [shi4qing2]↓; 不識世務 inexperienced in society; 處世 how to get along in this world.
| Adj. | For generations (of friends): 世交,世誼 [shi4jiao1], [shi4yi4]↓; address of friends connected through family relations; thus 世伯,世叔,世兄, etc. uncle, brother who are friends of the family or clan.
| Words | 1. 世伯 [shi4bo2], n., uncle who is friend of one's family or member of clan. 2. 世情 [shi4qing2], n., the ways of the world. 3. 世仇 [shi4chou2], n., a feud between families. 4. 世傳 [shi4chuan2], adj., known or transmitted for generations. 5. 世代 [shi4dai4], n., (1) a generation; (2) an epoch or era; n., (3) adv., for generations: 世代書香 a family of scholars for generations. 6. 世道 [shi4dao4], n., the morals of a nation or the world. 7. 世弟 [shi4di4], n., son of father's friend, younger than oneself. 8. 世法 [shi4fa3], n., fashions, custom of the times. 9. 世故 [shi4gu4], n., the ways of the world: 不懂人情世故 inexperienced in life; 世故甚深 or 甚知世故 well versed in art of dealing with people. 10. 世好 [shi4hao3], (1) n., friends for generations; (2) ([shi4hao4]) n., fashions, vogue of the times. 11. 世家 [shi4jia1], n., (1) a noble family; n.,(2) a family politically influential for generations; 12. 世間 [shi4jian1], n., the world, the present life: 世間上in this world. 13. 世交 [shi4jiao1], n., long-standing friendship between two families. 14. 世界 [shi4jie4], n., the universe, the world: 世界大戰 world war; 世界和平 world peace; 世界大同 the world a commonwealth (Confu. ideal); 世界觀 Weltanschauung; 科學世界 the scientific world; 兒童世界 the children's world; 滿世界 (*[man3shi4jie0]) the whole world; 世界衛生組織 World Health Organization (WHO); 世界糧食方案 World Food Program (UN); 世界人權宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). 15. 世紀 [shi4ji4], n., century. 16. 世及 [shi4ji2], phr., (AC) handed down from generation to generation, hereditary. 17. 世冑 [shi4zhou4], n., hereditary nobleman. 18. 世主 [shi4zhu3], n., (LL) ruler of the times. 19. 世姪 [shi4zhi2]1, n., a close friend's son. 20. 世職 [shi4zhi2]2, n., hereditary title. 21. 世路 [shi4lu4], n., the ways of the world (usu. untrustworthy). 22. 世論 [shi4lun4], n., (1) philosophy dealing with human world, as opp. Budd.; (2) current criticism. 23. 世面 [shi4](')[mian4], n., higher-class society: 沒見過世面 has never known higher society. 24. 世人 [shi4ren2], n., the people of the world. 25. 世上 [shi4shang4], adv., in this world. 26. 世系 [shi4xi4], n., genealogy. 27. 世襲 [shi4xi2], adj., hereditary (rank, post). 28. 世叔 [shi4shu2], n., a younger friend of one's father. 29. 世世 [shi4shi4]1, adv., from generation to generation. 30. 世事 [shi4shi4]2, n., the current affairs, affairs of the world. 31. 世兄 [shi4xiong1], n., (court. address) son of one's friend or teacher. 32. 世俗 [shi4su2], n., (1) customs, manners of a place; (2) (Budd. or Christianity) those outside the church, non-believer. 33. 世統 [shi4tong3], n., see [shi4xi4]↑. 34. 世澤 [shi4ze2], n., the benefits, privileges handed down from ancestors. 35. 世尊 [shi4zun1], n., (Budd.) devotees’ name for Buddha (the Revered One of the World). 36. 世族 [shi4zu2], n., a family politically influential for generations. 37. 世子 [shi4zi3], n., the princes, sons of the emperor except the crown prince. 38. 世務 [shi4wu4], n., worldly affairs. 39. 世業 [shi4ye4], n., (1) hereditary profession in the family; (2) inherited property. 40. 世誼 [shi4yi4], n., long-standing friendship between two families. 41. 世緣 [shi4yUan2], n., secular ties and business. 42. 世運 [shi4yUn4], n., (1) the course of events, rise and fall of nations; (2) the Olympic Games (from 世界運動大會).
世 | 356A45 22.21 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄕˋ [shi4] . [See 21.21] |