释义 |
野野 | 685C10 41S.00-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄧㄝˇ [ye3] | N. | (1) The open country, country-side: 田野 rural district. (2) (People, party) outside government, not in power: 朝野 both the rulers and the people: 在野 (of party) not in power, opp. 在朝 party in government. (3) Field, district: 分野 different fields; 分野 boundary line.
| Adj. | (1) Wild, not domesticated: 野馬,野牛,野犬,etc. [ye3ma3], [ye3niu2], [ye3qUan3]↓; 野雞,野豬 [ye3ji1], [ye3zhu1]↓. (2) Savage: 野蠻 [ye3man2]↓; 野人 [ye3ren2]↓. (3) Rustic, simple, primitive (manners): 村野 ditto; 野小子,野孩子 (abuse) ragamuffin; 野丫頭 (abuse) flibbertigibbet, (sl.) cheap skirt; 野頭野腦 silly blockhead.
| Adv. | (Coll.) extremely: 風大野了 storm is mounting fast; 天冷野了 it's getting bitterly cold.
| Words | 1. 野百合 [ye2bai3he2], n., (bot.) Crotalaria sessiliflora. 2. 野薔薇 [ye3qiang2wei2], n., (bot.) rambler rose, Rosa multiflora. 3. 野犬 [ye2qUan3], n., wild dog. 4. 野地 [ye3di4], n., open country. 5. 野服 [ye3fu2], n., rustic dress; simple dress, opp. formal. 6. 野葛 [ye3ge2], n., (bot.) Rhus toxicodendron. 7. 野狗 [ye2gou3], n., wild dog. 8. 野菰 [ye3gu1], n., (bot.) Aeginetia indica. 9. 野漢子 [ye3han4zi0], n., (abuse) a woman's lover. 10. 野鶴 [ye3he4], phr., 閒雲野鶴 a free and happy recluse. 11. 野合 [ye3he2], phr., to have illicit sexual union. 12. 野花(兒) [ye3hua4] ([ye3hua1er0]), n., wild flower; (fig.) girl or woman not one's wife: 家花不如野花香 wild flowers smell sweeter--ex-marital relationships more pleasurable. 13. 野火 [ye2huo3], n., (1) prairie fire; (2) will-o’ -the-wisp. 14. 野狐禪 [ye3hu2chan2], n., not orthodox teaching. 15. 野戰 [ye3zhan4], n., (1) field battle; (2) irregular guerrilla warfare: 野戰砲 field artillery; 野戰病院 field hospital. 16. 野雞 [ye3ji1], n., (1) pheasant; (2) street walker, a low-class prostitute; (3) any fly-by-night operation, as 野雞店,野雞船 such shop, boat. 17. 野祭 [ye3ji4], n., sacrifices in the open during 清明 festival. 18. 野豬 [ye3zhu1], n., boar. 19. 野種 [ye2zhong3], n., (abuse) hybrid, bastard. 20. 野菊 [ye3jU2], n., (bot.) Chrysanthemum indicum. 21. 野馬 [ye3ma3], n., (1) a mustang; (fig.) uncontrollable person; (2) (AC) mirage (images in clouds). 22. 野蠻 [ye3man2], adj. & n., (1) savage: 野蠻民族 savage tribe; (2) (person) unruly, violent, discourteous. 23. 野貓 [ye3mao1], n., (1) mountain cat; (2) (sl.) hare; (3) (abuse) ragamuffin. 24. 野牡丹 [ye3mu3dan1], n., (bot.) Melastoma candidum. 25. 野牛 [ye3niu2], n., wild ox; bison. 26. 野砲 [ye3pao4], n., field gun, field-piece. 27. 野人 [ye3ren2], n., a savage. 28. 野食兒 [ye3she2er0], n., food picked from the fields (cf. [ye3can1]↓); (fig.) extra irregular income. 29. 野性 [ye3xing4], n., violent, untamed nature. 30. 野心 [ye3xin1], n., greed; illegitimate ambition, wild hope; 野心家 adventurist. 31. 野獸 [ye3shou4], n., beasts. 32. 野史 [ye3shi3], n., romance; unofficial historical record. 33. 野臺子戲 [ye3tai2zi0xi4], n., temporary theater put up in country places. 34. 野草 [ye2cao3], n., wild vegetation: 野草閑花 (fig.) loose women picked up by men. 35. 野菜 [ye3cai4], n., vegetable grown in nature. 36. 野餐 [ye3can1], n., picnic. 37. 野蠶 [ye3can2], n., wild silkworms. 38. 野兔 [ye3tu4], n., hare 39. 野外 [ye3wai4], n., open air, suburbs. 40. 野味 [ye3wei4], n., game (food). 41. 野鴨(子) [ye3ya1] ([zi0]), n., mallard. 42. 野宴 [ye3yan4], n., picnic, open-air dinner. 43. 野意兒 [ye3yieher0], n., rustic flavor (on an outing). 44. 野鴛鴦 [ye3yUan1yang1], n., illicit lovers.