释义 |
哭哭 | 574A40 40.81 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄎㄨ [ku1] | V.i. | Wail, weep aloud, cry (opp. 泣 cry silently): 大哭,放聲大哭 weep aloud; 哭哭啼啼 weep and sniffle; 抱頭大哭 fall upon one another's shoulders and weep; 痛哭流涕 (LL) bewail; crying bitterly: 哭爹哭娘 yell inordinately; 哭鬧 cry and scream; 哭求 beg with tears; 哭笑不得 one can neither cry nor laugh, in distress or impossible situation.
| Words | 1. 哭主 [ku1zhu3], n., relative of victim in a murder case. 2. 哭喪 [ku1sang1], v.i., wail at funeral; 哭喪棒 stick held for support by son in funeral procession; v.i., 苦喪臉 (facet., derog.) extremely sad, unpleasant face, a mournful face.