释义 |
踵踵 | 609B10 40B.11-9 | 部居
| 畫數 16 | ㄓㄨㄥˇ [zhong3] | N. | The heel: 踵接 [zhong3jie1]↓; 不旋踵 in a short while, before you turn your back (it perishes, etc.).
| V.i. | (1) To follow, follow in footsteps: 踵至 follow closely upon heels, successively; 踵其後塵 follow in one's “trail,” i.e., footsteps; 踵武 follow in footsteps of illustrious forefather; 踵事增華 embellish a story, add flourishes for effect. (2) To arrive: 踵門拜別 personally pay a farewell call.
| Adv. | In close succession on foot: 踵見仲尼 (AC) saw Confucius repeatedly; 踵踵 [zhong3zhong3]↓.
| Words | 1. 踵接 [zhong3jie1], adv., closely upon heels. 2. 踵踵 [zhong3zhong3], adv., back and forth, many times. 3. 踵謝 [zhong3xie4], V.i., a formula (from 踵門拜謝) pay personal visit to say thanks for attendance at wedding, funeral, etc.