释义 |
叩叩 | 584B55 40A.22-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄎㄡˋ [kou4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To knock: 叩門 knock at door; 叩閽 formerly, to knock at palace gate and lodge complaint; see also 扣 10A.40. (2) To ask: 叩其姓名 ask his name; 叩安 (=問安) send greetings. (3) To kotow, knock head on floor as ceremony (often fig., not lit.): 叩頭 [kou4tou2]↓; 叩首 kotow; 叩拜,叩 (in letters to superiors) I bow in salute; 叩謁,叩見 pay respects, pay visit; 叩求 to request humbly; 叩辭 to decline politely; 叩謝 to thank or decline politely.
| Words | 1. 叩頭 [kou4tou2], v.i., to kotow, ceremoniously knock head on floor; (fig.) to request, to thank: 我給你叩頭 I thank you; 叩頭蟲 an insect, Melanotus legatus. 2. 叩問 [kou4wen4], v.i., to ask, to question politely.