释义 |
劃劃 | 424B20 22S.00-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄏㄨㄚˋ [hua4] | V.i. & t. | To draw a line or boundary, to divide or set apart (also wr. ): 劃分,劃開 divide, set apart; 劃入 cause s.t. to be included in, set apart for some account or purpose; 劃界 to mark out boundary; 劃撥 (of bank) transfer funds, pay out; 劃線支票 crossed check; 劃時代的 epochmaking.
| Words | 1. 劃拉 [hua2la0], v.i., (1) to rub gently (a child); (2) to shove in anyhow: 劃拉入嘴; (3) to scribble or daub hurriedly: 隨便劃拉幾筆 just scribble a few lines. 2. 劃一 [hua4yi1], v.t. & adj., (make) uniform (prices), neat and definite; 劃一不二 one-price system, no haggling.