释义 |
波波 | 1019A10 63A.82-2 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄅㄛ [bo1] (less commonly ㄆㄛ [po1] ). | Fin. part. | MC var. of modn. 吧, “月兒,你早些出來吧!” (probably pr. [ba1]).
| N. | Wave: 水波 esp. in comp. 波浪 [bo1lang4]↓; 風波 storm, crisis; 波動 [bo1dong4]↓, wave motion; 波譎雲詭 (LL) phr., beautiful turns of thought, fast, unexpected, exciting changes.
| V.i. | To spread over: 波及,波累 [bo1ji2], [bo1lei4]↓.
| Words | 1. 波昂 [po1ang2], n., Bonn. 2. 波波 [bo1bo1], v.i., run about=奔波. 3. 波長 [bo1chang2], n., (phys.) wave length, frequency. 4. 波臣 [bo1chen2], n., (LL) denizens of the sea. 5. 波俏 [bo1qiao4]1, adj., (MC) beautiful. 6. 波峭 [bo1qiao4]2, adj., (lit. & fig.) with ups and downs. 7. 波蕩 [bo1dang4]1, (1) V.i., surging and spreading; (2) adj., restless, agitated. 8. 波盪 [bo1dang4]2, v.i., (of ship) to rock and roll. 9. 波動 [bo1dong4], n. & v.i., wave motion; undulate; fluctuate. 10. 波峰 [bo1feng1], n., wave crest. 11. 波谷 [bo1gu3], n., trough of wave. 12. 波折 [bo1zhe2]1, n., frustrations on the way, unwelcome turns of events. 13. 波磔 [bo1zhe2]2, n., slanting strokes in calligraphy (=modn. 撇捺). 14. 波及 [bo1ji2], v.t., (of lawsuits, disasters) spread to involve (others), cause repercussion to. 15. 波浪 [bo1lang4], n., waves, breakers. 16. 波浪鼓 [bo1lang4gu3], n., child's toy drum, with beads striking drum by turning handle. 17. 波蘭 [bo1lan2]1, n., Poland. 18. 波瀾 [bo1lan2]2, n., aftermath, sequel of events; interesting turns esp. in literature (文章波瀾), or minor developments in music. 19. 波累 [bo1lei4], v.t., involve (others), like [bo1ji2]↑. 20. 波稜 [bo1leng2] ([bo2leng2], also wr. 菠薐,or 菠菜 [bo2cai4]), n., spinach; n., 波稜蓋 [bo1leng2gai4], n., kneecap. 21. 波羅 (密) [bo1luo2]([mi4]), n., pineapple. 22. 波羅門 [bo1luo2men2], n., Brahmin; 波羅門教波 Brahmanism. 23. 波羅密多 [bo1luo2mi4duo1], n., (Sanskr.) paramita, salvation, crossing from sensuous life to nirvana. 24. 波士頓 [bo1shi1dun1], n., Boston. 25. 波斯 [bo1si1], n., Persia. 26. 波濤 [bo1tao2], n., big waves. 27. 波紋 [bo1wen2], n., ripples. 1. 溲溺 [sou1niao4], n., urine, urination; urine and feces.