释义 |
列列 | 517C45 31S.00-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄌㄧㄝˋ [lie4] | N. | (1) Row: 行列 row or column; 第三列 the third row (=排). (2) A surname.
| V.i. | To arrange in order, form line, to enter in list: 列名 to enter or appear on a list of persons; 列單 make out list (of goods, invited guests, candidates, etc.); 列坐 be seated in a row with others; 列成隊伍 (mil.) to fall in, form company; 列於 be named, appear on (list); 左列 as appears below.
| Adj. | Prefaced to nn., signifying a group: 列星 the stars; 列宿 the constellations; 列強,列島 [lie4qiang2], [lie4dao3]↓; 列肆 group of shops together; 列位 (used in public address): “ladies and gentlemen,” those of you here.
| Adv. | Instance after instance: 列舉人名,罪狀 give list of names, counts of crimes.
| Words | 1. 列車 [lie4che1], n., railroad train, a train of wagons. 2. 列強 [lie4qiang2], n., the Great Powers. 3. 列島 [lie4dao3], n., archipelago. 4. 列鼎 [lie4ding3], n., (LL, rare) great feast. 5. 列國 [lie4guo2], n., the different countries: 春秋列國 the city states of time of Confucius. 6. 列傳 [lie4zhuan4], n., biographies, esp. section on biographies in different dynastic histories. 7. 列列 [lie4lie4], adj., clearly shown in order; big in stature; sound of wind. 8. 列女 [lie4nU3], n., famous women in history (see 烈女 31.63). 9. 列席 [lie4xi2], v.i., (1) be present at meeting; (2) be observer at conference. 10. 列士 [lie4shi4], n., (1) (AC) the gentry, a class below 大夫; (2) u.f. 烈士 31.63. 11. 列氏表 [lie4shi4biao3], n., Rumur's thermometer. 12. 列土 [lie4tu3], v.i., (AC) to divide into fiefdoms, given to royal princes.