

ㄖㄠˊ [rao2
N.A surname.
V.t.(1)  Forgive, pardon: [rao2shu4]↓;
了他吧 let's forgive him;
兒 pardon: 告個兒 ask for pardon;
ask for forgiveness;
extra amount given free of charge, useless, vain, futile, easy to cope with.
(2)  Implicate, involve in: 我不告訴他吧,恐怕他也在裡面 if I don’t tell him, I'm afraid he may get involved.
(3)  Give as an extra: 給你一個 here's an extra one for you!
Adj.Abundant, plentiful: 富 rich, wealthy;
plentiful, bountiful;
富 abundant, having plenty;
裕 well-to-do;
侈 lavish, extravagant;
衍 prolific, overflowing;
沃 (of soil) rich, fertile.
Adv.Even: 這麼著,還有人說閑話 even in such a case, some people would still be dissatisfied and grumble.
Words1. [rao2ming4], v.t., spare (s.o.) his life.
2. [rao2rang4], v.t., forgive and forget, condone.
3. [rao2ren2], v.i., (1) give s.o. an advantage over oneself; (2) forgive s.o.
4. [rao2she2], v.i., prattle, babble, gossip, be talkative.
5. [rao2shu4], v.t., forgive, pardon, excuse, condone.
6. [rao2tou0], n., anything extra.
7. [rao2yi4], adj., surplus, excess, extra.





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