释义 |
爺爺 | 1063A40 80.22 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄧㄝˊ [ye2] | N. | (1) (Coll.) father: 爺娘 father and mother. (2) Gen. term of respect for older person, also for master: 老爺 master of house, also address of magistrate; 大爺,二爺 address of master's oldest, second son; 少爺 young master, a gentleman's son, a rich young man: 少爺脾氣 air of a pampered young man. (3) Grandfather: 爺爺 [ye2ye0]↓; 太爺 old master: 老太爺 master's father as dist. 老爺 master himself.
| Words | 1. 爺兒倆 [ye2er0lia3], n., father and son, uncle and nephew, father and daughter, etc. 2. 爺兒們 [ye2er0men0], n., the menfolks. 3. 爺們兒 [ye2me0er0], n., see[ye2er0men0]↑. 4. 爺們 [ye2men0], n., the men, opp. women; the menfolk. 5. 爺娘 [ye2niang2], n., parents. 6. 爺爺 [ye2ye0], n., (coll.) grandpa; also used of elderly person in clan or village.