

ㄐㄧ [ji1. [Var. of饑 81B.71]
N.Hunger: 餽荒 [ji1](')[huang1]↓;
寒交迫 suffering from cold and hunger;
困 afflicted by shortage of food;
[ji1huo3], 饑渴 [ji1ke3]↓.
Adj.Hungry: [ji1e4]↓;
民 starving masses;
不擇食 all food is delicious to the starving;
腸轆轆 rumblings of an empty stomach;
飽勞碌 to slave all day long with no assurance when the next meal will come;
名渴勢 greedy for honor and power;
starving, famished;
飽漢不知餓漢 those with enough food to eat don't know how it feels to go without it.
Words1. [ji1e4], v.i. & adj., (feel) hungry, (be) without food to eat.
2. [ji1huang0], n., (1) famine, poverty: 鬧荒 reduced to destitution; [ji1huang1], (2) indebtedness: 拉荒 run into debt; (3) difficulties, hardships, adversity.
3. [ji1huo3], n., (1) a burning desire for food: 火中燒 acute hunger; (2) eager longing or intense desire for things other than food.
4. [ji1jin3], n., (=饑饉) starvation resulting from crop failure.
5. [ji1ke3], n., (1) hunger and thirst; (2) an irresistible desire or longing: 性渴 sex-starved.





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