释义 |
遞遞 | 1173C25 90.83 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄉㄧˋ [di4] | V.i. & t. | Hand over, deliver by hand: 遞過來 pass me (the sugar, etc.); 遞給他 pass (it) to him; 遞個信 send a note; 遞名片 send in a visiting card; 傳遞消息 circulate the news; 遞送某人 deliver to s. o.; 遞和氣 or 遞嘻和兒 show a friendly face; 遞眼色 wink at, give message by a wink or look.
| Adv. | (1) In turn: 遞換,更遞 replace from time to time. (2) Proportionately, in proportion: 遞加,遞減 gradually increase, decrease, in proportion; 遞補 add gradually, replace, fill up (vacancy).
| Words | 1. 遞交 [di4jiao1], v.t., deliver to (place, person). 2. 遞解 [di4jie4], v.t., deport, send (criminal) under escort. 3. 遞送 [di4song4], v.t., send to, deliver by messenger.