释义 |
需需 | 514A00 31D.42-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄒㄩ [xU1] . [Dist須 91S.80 must] | N. | Need(s): 軍需 army supplies; 需要 [xU1yao4]↓.
| V.t. | Need: 所需 what one needs; 需要 [xU1yao4]↓; 必需 must needs have; 急需 need urgently; 需款甚殷 need funds badly.
| Prep. | (LL) according to: 需次陞用 will be promoted according to qualifications, status.
| Words | 1. 需求 [xU1qiu2], v.i., beg for need; be in need of; n., need, demand. 2. 需索 [xU1suo3], v.i., look for urgently. 3. 需要 [xU1yao4], (1) v.i. & t., have need of; (2) n., a need; n., necessity: 沒有這個需要 no need or necessity for this.