释义 |
銀銀 | 1104C35 81A.02-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄧㄣˊ [yin2] | N. | (Chem.) silver; money: 銀子,銀兩 [yin2zi0], [yin2liang3]↓; 銀本位 silver standard of currency; 銀杯 silver cup.
| Adj. | Silver or powdery grey color: referring to the Milky Way: 銀河,銀漢 [yin2he2], [yin2han4]↓; referring to the moon: 銀 ,銀兔 [yin2gou1], [yin2tu3]↓; referring to color: 銀灰,銀紅 [yin2hui1], [yin2hong2]↓.
| Words | 1. 銀幣 [yin2bi4], n., silver coins or currency. 2. 銀錢 [yin2qian2], n., money in gen. 3. 銀鞘 [yin2qiao4], n., a wooden box for silver ingots. 4. 銀錠(兒) [yin2ding4]([er0]), n., silver ingots. 5. 銀耳 [yin2er3], n., “silver mush-room,”a colorless tree fungus--a delicacy. 6. 銀粉 [yin2fen3], n., silver powder; n., adj., lightish grey. 7. 銀釭 [yin2gang1], n.,(poet.) a lamp. 8. 銀根 [yin2gen1], n., the money market (is tight, etc.). 9. 銀 [yin2gou1], phr., (LL) the crescent moon (“silver hook”). 10. 銀櫃 [yin2gui4], n., a safe (for money). 11. 銀海 [yin2hai3], n., the movie world (from 銀幕 [yin2mu4]↓). 12. 銀漢 [yin2han4], n., the Milky Way. 13. 銀行 [yin2hang2], n., a bank; 銀行結單 bank statement; 銀行提存準備 bank reserve. 14. 銀號 [yin2hao4], n., formerly, a money shop, exchange shop. 15. 銀河 [yin2he2], n., the Milky Way; see also [yin2han4]↑. 16. 銀花 [yin2hua1], n., (1) icicles; (2) snow flakes; (3) the honeysuckle. 17. 銀黃 [yin2huang2]1, phr., (1) (LL) silver and gold; (2) (AC) gold or silver official seal. 18. 銀潢 [yin2huang2]2, n., (LL) the Milky Way. 19. 銀灰 [yin2hui1], adj., silver grey in color. 20. 銀婚 [yin2hun1], n., silver wedding anniversary. 21. 銀紅 [yin2hong2], adj., pale rose color. 22. 銀甲 [yin2jia3], n., silver finger cap worn for plucking stringed instrument. 23. 銀角 [yin2jiao3], n., silver dime. 24. 銀價 [yin2jia4], n., price of silver. 25. 銀匠 [yin2jiang4] ([yin2jiang0]), n., a silversmith. 26. 銀硃 [yin2zhu1] ([yin2zhu0]), n. & adj., cinnabar, mercuric sulfide, used as bright red pigment. 27. 銀燭 [yin2zhu2], n., bright candle. 28. 銀兩 [yin2liang3], n., silver as currency and counted by taels: 三十銀兩 thirty taels of silver. 29. 銀樓 [yin2lou2], n., a dealer in silverware. 30. 銀幕 [yin2mu4], n., the movie screen. 31. 銀票 [yin2piao4], n., formerly, a money order, with amount stated in taels of silver. 32. 銀色 [yin2se4], n., the grade of silver in coins; 銀色世界 screen world. 33. 銀線草 [yin2xian4cao3], n., (bot.) Chloranthus japonicus. 34. 銀杏 [yin2xing4], n., the gingko tree (also called 白果, esp. the edible fruit). 35. 銀水 [yin2shui3], n., discount on account of difference of silver content in coins. 36. 銀兔 [yin2tu3], phr., (poet.) the moon (with purported image of rabbit on it). 37. 銀子 [yin2zi0], n., money, amount (when it was customary to reckon in silver taels rather than dollars): 三千兩銀子 3000 taels of silver. 38. 銀洋 [yin2yang2], n., dollar, see also [yin2yUan2]↓. 39. 銀元(圓) [yin2yUan2], n., silver dollar. 40. 銀魚 [yin2yU2], n., the silverfish; also formerly, a decoration of official rank.