释义 |
喇喇 | 576A20 40A.00-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄌㄚˇ [la3] | Adv. | A term used in describing sounds: 嘩喇 ([hua4la0]) descriptive of thumping or crashing noise.
| Words | 1. 喇叭 [la3ba0], n., a trumpet; n., 喇叭管 n., (physiol.) oviduct, Fallopian tube (also 輸卵管); n., 伸縮喇叭 trombone; n., 喇叭蟲 [la3ba0chong2], n., (zoo.) stentor; n., 喇叭花 [la3ba0hua1], n., (bot.) morning-glory (also 牽牛花); n., 喇叭口 [la3ba0kou3], n., mouthpiece of a trumpet; n., anything with a wide opening at its end: 喇叭袖,喇叭褲 sleeves, trousers, broad at the end; bell-shaped pants. 2. 喇喇 [la2la0], v.i., drip; v.i., adj., dripping. 3. 喇嘛 [la3ma0], n., (Tibetan Budd.) Lama; 喇嘛教 Lamaism.