释义 |
針針 | 1106A45 81A.10-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄓㄣ [zhen1] | N. | (1) Needle: 針線 [zhen1xian4]↓; 繡(花)針 fine needle for embroidery; 絨線針 darning or knitting needle; 心如針扎 feel greatly distressed (“like heart pricks”); 針鋒相對, see 針鋒 [zhen1feng1]↓. (2) A pin, tack, etc.: 別針 a pin; 大頭針 thumbtack; 錶針 hour and minute hands of watch; 時針,分針,秒針 hour, minute and second hands of clock or watch; 羅盤針 compass needle. (3) Injection: 打針 have an injection; 針劑 medicine for injection. (4) Acupuncture: 金針; 針砭,針灸 [zhen1bian1], [zhen1jiu3]↓; 針科 [zhen1ke1]↓.
| V.t. | To prick skin in injection or acupuncture.
| Words | 1. 針砭 [zhen1bian1], (1) n., acupuncture; (2) v.t., (fig.) give painful but much needed advice. 2. 針鼻兒 [zhen1bie2er0], n., the eye of a needle. 3. 針車 [zhen1che1], n., (sl.) sewing machine. 4. 針對 [zhen1dui4], v.t., point exactly against (fact, argument). 5. 針鋒 [zhen1feng1], n., point of needle: 針鋒相對 two sides of argument match point by point. 6. 針箍(兒) [zhen1gu1]([er0]), n., thimble (also called 頂針兒). 7. 針氈 [zhen1zhan1], n., “cushion of needles”: 如坐針氈 in uncomfortable position. 8. 針尖兒 [zhen1jia1er0], n., fine or minute point. 9. 針腳 [zhen1jiao0], n., length between stitches, or alignment. 10. 針芥 [zhen1jie4], n., magnet point and minute filings: 針芥相投 attracted to each other. 11. 針灸 [zhen1jiu3], n., acupuncture. 12. 針黹 [zhen1zhi3], n., fine needlework. 13. 針科 [zhen1ke1], n., acupuncture as a branch of medicine. 14. 針路 [zhen1lu4], n., compass course in navigation. 15. 針芒 [zhen1mang2], n., fine or minute point. 16. 針砂 [zhen1sha1], n., iron dust from grinding of needle point, used in Chin. medicine (also called 鐵針砂). 17. 針線 [zhen1xian4], n., (1) needle and thread; (fig.) clues or threads in detective work; (2) ([zhen1xian0]) needlework in gen.: 針線活 needlewoman's work. 18. 針形葉 [zhen1xing2ye4], n., (bot.) needle-shaped leaves (as in pine needle). 19. 針眼 [zhen1yan3], n., (1) eye of a needle; (2) ([zhen1yan0]) slight swelling of follicle in eyelid.