释义 |
遒遒 | 1077A45 80.83 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄑㄧㄡˊ [qiu2] | Adj. | (1) Forceful, see compp.↓. (2) Near, close: 歲忽忽而遒盡 the year is drawing so fast to its close.
| Words | 1. 遒健 [qiu2jian4], adj., (callig.) strong, powerful in strokes. 2. 遒勁 [qiu2jing4], adj., (callig.) strong, rugged. 3. 遒緊 [qiu2jin3], adj., (litr. or artistic composition) tightly composed, compact. 4. 遒美 [qiu2mei3], adj., see [qiu2jian4]↑. 5. 遒逸 [qiu2yi4], adj., (callig.) forceful and free in movement.