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走软(价格等)趋于下降;趋于低迷to weaken 泰国金融动荡很难在短期内平息,泰铢汇率将继续走软。 Thailand's financial turmoil is unlikely to calm in the short term, and the baht continues to weaken. 伴随全球经济走软,国际油价和大多数工业资源品价格将延续震荡下行走势。 With the weakening of the global economy, the international oil price and the price of most industrial resources will continue to fluctuate and show a downward trend. 原油价格本周或将进一步走软。 Crude oil prices may weaken further this week. 第二季度指标显示经济走软。 Indicators for Q2 show that the economy is weakening.