释义 |
理由reason 理由充足 have sufficient reason 正当的理由 legitimate reason 不能成立的理由 unfounded reason 令人信服的理由 convincing reason 宣战理由 grounds for a declaration of war 根据什么理由? On what grounds? 毫无理由 absolutely no reason 没有理由来反对 no reason to oppose 缺乏足够的理由 lack ample grounds 完全有理由相信 definitely grounds for believing 说明拒绝的理由 explain the reason for refusing 他提出理由赞成我的意见 he put forward some reasons to support my opinion 我有自己的特别理由。 I have my own reasons. 他不同意我的意见,理由是我的看法不全面。 The reason he disagreed was that he thought my views were not comprehensive.