

字词 神经
释义 神经
 shén jīng
 nerve; nervus; nervous:
  脑神经 cranial nerve
 神经氨糖酸 neuraminic acids;
 神经氨糖酸苷酶 neuraminidase;
 神经氨酸 neuraminic acid;
 神经胺 nerve amines;
 神经板 neural plate;
 神经胞质 neuroplasm;
 神经杯 nerve chalice;
 神经编码 neural coding;
 神经变(态反)应性 neuroallergy;
 神经层 nervous layer;
 神经冲动 nervous impulse;
 神经穿刺术 neuronyxis;
 神经传递 neurotransmission;
 神经传器 neuromittor;
 神经垂体 neurohypophysis;
 神经丛 {动} neuropile; nerve plexus;
 神经丛炎 plexitis;
 神经错乱性毒气 nerve gas;
 神经递体 neurotransmitters;
 神经递体量子释放 quantal release of neurotransmitter;
 神经(传)递质 neurotransmitter;
 神经电 {生理} neuroelectricity;
 神经电流 neuroelectricity;
 神经电位 neuropotential;
 神经动力系统 neuromotor system; neuromotor apparatus;
 神经动力学 neurodynamics;
 神经毒剂 nerve poison;
 神经毒气 nerve gas;
 神经毒素 neurotoxin;
 神经毒性 neurotoxicity;
 神经毒药(古) neurotic;
 神经断伤 neurectmesis;
 神经盾 neural shield;
 神经耳科学 neurotology;
 神经发生学 neuroembryology;
 神经仿生学 neurobionics;
 神经放射造影 neuroradiography;
 神经分布 innervation; nerve supply;
 神经分泌(作用) neurosecretion;
 神经分泌颗粒 neurosecretory granule;
 神经分泌途径 neurosecretory pathway;
 神经分泌物 neurosecretion; neurosecretory material;
 神经分泌细胞 neurosecretory cell;
 神经分泌系统 neurosecretory system;
 神经分析器 neural analyzers;
 神经分支节 hodoneuromere (胚胎);
 神经分支新生 odogenesis; neurocladism;
 神经封闭 {生理} nerve block;
 神经苷脂 nervon(e);
 神经干 nerve cord;
 神经工程学 neuroengineering;
 神经官能症 neurosis;
 神经光敏性 neuronal photosensitivity;
 神经化学 neurochemistry;
 神经环 nerve ring;
 神经黑素 neuromelanin;
 神经混乱 dizzy;
 神经机能病 neurotica; neurosis (pl. neuroses);
 神经机能亢进 hyperneuria;
 神经机能障碍 dysneuria;
 神经肌去极化药 neuromuscular depolarizing agents;
 神经肌肉传递 neuromuscular transmission;
 神经肌肉疾病 neuromuscular disease;
 神经肌肉接头 neuromuscular junction;
 神经肌(肉)阻断剂 neuromuscular blocking agents;
 神经肌梭 neuromuscular spindle;
 神经激素 neurohormone;
 神经激素结合肽 neurophysine;
 神经激态 neurokinin;
 神经极化 polarization of nerve;
 神经棘 neural spine;
 神经嵴 neural crest;
 神经脊髓炎 neuromyelities;
 神经间质炎 mesoneuritis;
 神经碱 neurine;
 神经胶样交性 gliosis;
 神经键 synapse; synapsis;
 神经角蛋白 neurokeratin;
 神经角质网 neurokeratin network;
 神经介质 neurotransmitter;
 神经紧张肽 neurotensin;
 神经科 department of neurology;
 神经科学 neuroscience;
 神经孔 neuraforamen;
 神经控制(作用) neurarchy;
 神经控制论 neurocybernetics;
 神经瘤 neuroma;
 神经论 nervism; neurography;
 神经命名法 neuronymy;
 神经模拟 neurn simulation;
 神经末端 teleneuron;
 神经末梢 nerve ending; nerve end; root;
 神经内分泌系 neuroendocrine system;
 神经内分泌细胞 neuroendocrine cell;
 神经内分泌学 neuroendocrinology;
 神经能 neurokyme; neurorrheuma;
 神经器件 {电} neuristor;
 神经牵伸术 neurotonia;
 神经切除术 neureotomy;
 神经丘 neuromast;
 神经生理学 neurophysiology;
 神经生物学 neurobiology;
 神经生长因子 nerve growth factor;
 神经失用症 neurapraxia;
 神经时值说 neurochronaxie theory;
 神经撕裂术 neurorrhexis;
 神经损伤 neurotrosis;
 神经酸 nervonic acid;
 神经索 nerve cord; neurochord;
 神经肽 neuropeptide;
 神经体液 neurohumor;
 神经体液调节 neurohumoral control; neurohumoral regulation;
 神经体液信息论 neurohumoral information theory;
 神经调质 neuromodulator;
 神经通道追踪 nervous pathway tracing;
 神经通路 nerve pathways;
 神经酮 nervone;
 神经痛 neurodynia; neuralgia;
 神经突 neural process;
 神经外科手术 neurosurgery;
 神经外科学 neurosurgery;
 神经外科医生 neurosurgeon;
 神经外膜 perilemma epineurium;
 神经外胚层 neuroderm; neuroectoderm;
 神经外皮层 neurectoderm;
 神经外伤 neurotrosis;
 神经网 nerve net;
 神经微粒子 neurobion;
 神经萎缩 neuratrophy; neuratrophia; neural atrophy;
 神经吻合 dialyneury;
 神经系统疾病 nerve system disease;
 神经系(统) nervous system;
 神经酰胺 ceramide;
 神经酰胺酶 ceramidase;
 神经心理学 neuropsychology;
 神经形成 neurogenesis;
 神经行为生物学 neuroethology;
 神经性能 neurility;
 神经学 neurology;
 神经学检查 neurologic examination;
 神经血液器官 neurohemal organ; neurohaemal organ;
 神经压迫 neurothlipsis;
 神经压迫综合征 nerve compression syndromes;
 神经炎 neuritis;
 神经阳茎 neurocirrus;
 神经药理学 neuropharmacology;
 神经液 neurohumor;
 神经液递学说 neurohumoralism;
 神经液体理论 neurohumoral theory;
 神经应激性 nervous irritability;
 神经营养素 neurenergen;
 神经营养性萎缩 neuratrophia; neuratrophy;
 神经营养性作用 neurotrophic effect;
 神经硬化症 neuraclerosis;
 神经语言学 neurolinguistics;
 神经源说 neurogenic theory;
 神经再生 nerve regeneration; neuranagenesis; neurotization;
 神经战 war of nerves;
 神经褶 neural fold; neural ridge;
 神经症 {心理} neurosis;
 神经支配 {生理} innervation; eneurosis;
 神经中毒症 neurotoxia;
 神经中枢 {动} nerve centre; nerve center;
 神经终丝 neuropodion; neuropodium;
 神经阻断 nerve block;
 神经阻滞麻醉 nerve block anesthesia




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